HAVE TO PUT A PEMNy Ifl IT FO IUCK, 70U KNOW A ever (Special the Am, Deadwood. Dee GET FOR TH' P1KER-- TO GIVE FUT TH' PENHy IN it -r enson of Nisland. whoTK.8-some time aco for rJ.l 4rrt; cnecKS amounting to i-rrett. appeared befnr. mi" James McNormv Juris- lpWofS'- ne admitted thai v.
lK been examined by the j16 ty court somotim. Ult ehuree. '1 "T'We On been tK "wt thou! mm mm -r I 1 4 I jrr tl 3 II 1 li-' i r.JCm. II Ji" III I "um two to fiv the state "Nora' is president of the society to promote the givin' of useful presents, but she's give her husband to understand that he'd better not get her that kind." tCopyrlsht 1929, Publishers Syndicate) "The way touch o1 rheumatism starts Pa rrpcntin' of his sins, I recken he'd be sproutin' wings it he hurt as much as I iCnoj-rigfct lS29. Puhll.shrr Syndicate! present as their guest artist Mary Garden, famous, not only as an opera singer, but one of the most PROFESSOR AT WESLEYAN WRITES ABOUT RELIGION IN AMERICAN COLLEGES Uncle Ray's Corner W.TR.
7 p. m. The Puroil Band KFAB. 7:30 p. m.
Around the World With Li'oby KOA, WLW, KDKA. 7:30 p. m. The Prophylactic program WOW, WDAF. 8 p.
m. Johnson Johnson feature WLW. 8 p. m. Paul Whiteman and his Old Gold Orchestra WCCO, KMOX.
fi p. m. The Eveready Hour Falls. BestRemedvf Cough Is Eas2y Mixed at Home! rtinXS orSSi conquered, until you try th recipe. It is used in because it givea more prompt i rehef than anything ble at all to mix andcos'ts b'tV'f Into a pint bottle, pour 2K of I'inex; then add pla suRar syrup or atrained hopf, 1 full prat Thia save, tthirt, I 1-J 'VI courts A Oil fan t--l Jng, soothtns art.on on th.
injwl into the blood' on the bronchial tubes. At the time, it promptly loosen the germ-feJ why it brings stick qukk Tinex is a higUy coneentrnted mm pound of genuine Norway Vim.Z taiiuns the ar-tive aBent of werl" a refined palatable form, and kan'' one of the createst healine tor severe roneh. bronchial troubles. Do not accept, a subsf itnte for IiBf 5 SHARPE SAYS COUNTIES CANNOT BE COMPELLED TO SUPPORT CHILDREN Pierre, Dec. 17.
IF) commissioners cannot be compelled to pay for support of dependent children under South Dakota laws, Attorney General M. Q. Sharpe ex plained in an opinion addressed to Mrs. Alyce N. Alexander, Sturgis, secretary of the state child welfare commission.
The present law leaves the court without authority to incur any expense upon the county for the care of a dependent child placed either in a family or home for dependent children, the attorney general wrote. The law provides, however, that the parent or person liaoie lor tne support of- the dependent child must contribute to its support if able, he added. The county commissioners, however, may pay any amount within their budget for support of children- if they desire, Mr. Sharpe said. He suggested cooperation between the juvenile court and county commissioners handling such cases.
OLD CHRISTMAS CVSTOMS II The Christmas Tree Have you ever sat beneath a tree on a fair summer day, and looked "-f 1 I VJlf i p- 'M 1 I i- r-Jf Jk, W4SJ. Mm A modern "Community Tree" lip at the swayinc branches above? It, is pleasing to listen to the rustle of the leaves, and to ga7e at little patches of the sky which may be teen between the leaves. Far back jn history, people besnn to notice the beauty of trees. The ancient Persians used to say that certain trees were holy, and thr.t thev were the homes of gods or spirits, The ancient Greeks called the olive tree sacred, and it was sun-posed to be wrong to cut down such a tree. This idea most likely came from the useful service of the tree in providing olives.
What kind of tree would be good to use during a winter festival such as Christmas? In central and COHE v.PIL EDITED BY O. I. MORGAN The fiadio Home OS l'Ot'B DIAL K. Lengths Station" 5S() 645 KFDY. Brookinsi.
fi. D. SM MS KSD, Ft. loins, 570 52 V'MC. Memphis, Tenru 590 W'8 WOW.
Omaha. NVh. 610 41 W-DAF. Kansas Cstv, Mo. 610 4S KPT, Los Angeles.
Cnl. 6so 461 WS. KeshvtUe, Tenn. 660 4hi WEAF. New York, N.
447 WMAQ. ChicaRO, III. 700 428 WLW, ClncmimLI. OlllO. 72 WOU.
CliK-aso. III. 770 3fi9 WBBM, Chicago, 389 KFAB, Lincoln. Neb. "790 S79 KGO.
Ouklanrt. Calif, sno 374 WBAP, iovi Worth, Tex. 800 374 KTHS. Ho SpunKS. Ark.
810 370 WCCO, Minneapolis, Minn. SW SSI KOA. Denver, Col. 850 3a KVKH. Slireve port, I.
870 344 WLS. Chicago. 111. 879 344 WllsR, Chicaito. III.
980 305 KDKA, Pittsburgh, Fa. 1000 299 Des Moines, la. 1009 2'9 WOC, Davenport. Ja. 1090 27S KMOX, 8t.
Louis. Mo. Programs for Today Noon National Farni As Home Hour WOW. 1:30 p. m.
Tlie Melody Three WOW. 2 m. The Columbia Ensemble WCCO, KMOX. 2:30 p. For Your Information WCCO.
3 p. m. Columbia Symphony Orchestra WCCO. 3:30 p. m.
Auction Bridge Game WOW. 4 p. m. The Rhythm Kings WCCO. 6:15 p.
m. National Safety Council WOW. 6 p. m. Amos n' Andy KDKA, muffled in blankets: he might as well be in the house.
He can be sheltered from extreme winds by adjusting the carriage hood, but leave his face exposed. There is evidently some misunderstanding about the glycerine. Glycerine is not used for enemas except by advice of the doctor. Oil enemas are of sweet oil. one or two tablespoons injected, left for a few moments and then expelled.
Glycerine suppositories are less irritating than soap ones and are used just as thev come in the bottle, though I think it an improvement to oil them well with vaseline, so that there will be no irritation due to the glycerine, which is rather drying. If you are struggling with constipation and would like our leaflet on that subject it may be secured for the usual self-addressed, stamoed envelope with your request for Tomorrow: "Is Your Baby Manhandled Bv Guests?" Mrs. Eldred will be glad to Hve advice to any reader on the diet and general care of children. Be sure to enclose a self addressed, stamped envelope with your letter, and send it to Myrtle Meyer Eldred in care of the "Your Baby and 'line" department of this newspaper. All letters are given prompt attention.
In Only 5 Days No Knife No Pain No Hospital Cure Haaranteerl Ssnd for book of testimonials Dr. James C. Clark Specialist of and Diseases of Women Security Bank Bnilding Slonx Fait Burgess Bedtime Stories HOOTY THINKS HIM5FLF VERY SMART By Thornton W. Burgess KOA, WHAS. WDAF, WGN.
9 p. Th? Clicquot Club Eski mos WFAA. WOW. WHAS. WDAF.
9 p. m. The Fada Orchestra weeo. 9:30 p. in.
The R-K-O Hour WOW, KOA, WDAF, WHAS. 10:30 p. m. Amos 'n' Andy WFAA, KOA. WDAF.
li p. m. News Period WOW. Programs for Wednesday 7 a. m.
Musical program and correct time WCCO 7:15 a. m. Morning Devotions WOW 7:30 a. m. 'Cheerio" WOW 8 a.
m. Markets WOW 8 a. m. Morning Melodies WOW 8:45 a. m.
News items of the day WCCO i 9 a. m. Markets WCCO WOW 10:30 a. m. Radio Household Institute WOW Nooft Farm Home Hour WOW 1 :30 p.
m. The Melody Three wow 2 n. m. Th Columbia Ensemble WCCO, KMOX 2:30 p. m.
For Your Information WCCO 3 p. m. Musical Album WCCO 3 30 D. m. Dancing- Melodies WOW 4:15 p.
m. Twilight Troubadours wcco 5:55 p. m. Talk by John B. Ken nedy KFAB 6 d.
m. Amos 'n' Andy KDKA WJR 6:30 p. m. The Westlnghouse Salute KFAB. KOA 7 p.
m. The Mobiloil program WOW, WFAA. KOA. WDAF 7 p. The Yeast Foamers KFAB.
WLW 7 p. m. Grand" Opera with Nino tenor. 1 WCCO. KMOX 7:30 p.
ni. Hannv Wonder Bakers WOW. WLS. WFAA 7:30 p. m.
The Sylvian Foresters WLW. KFAB 8 p. in. The Hal'ey-Stuart pro gram. KOA, WOW.
WOC, WHAS 8:30 p. m. The Palmolive Hour-WFAA, WOW, WHAS, KOA 9 p. m. The Kolster Radio Hour, WCCO, KMOX 9:30 p.
m. The Stromberg-Carl son program, KOA. WHAS. WBAP 9:30 p. m.
Flovd Gibbons Headline Hunter WDAF. WOC. WGN 10 p. m. Hank Simmons Show Bout.
WCCO. KMOX 10:30 p. m. Amos 'n' Andy WDAF. WFAA, KOA, WMAQ 11 p.
m. Omaha News Items, WOW. "For Your Information" a daily fr-ature from the Columbia system, and Heard through WCCO, is a pro-pram of different topics each day. These topics are discussed by those who knoTV. and this program is one that is all that its title indicates.
A program deluxe will be heard on Thursday evening, during the Radio-Victor Hour, when they will PUZZLE IS. Sooth 1J. Trpe of plait 21. Old time 21. Sit tutted fit the bottora Pitrsrilert Iiriiten rock it, afflicted witK a dread illeae t.
Mnnciillne ti i r- a SI. uremle Si. Fveii ii. I.nve meillrlne to St. Jicolnrallo ii.
Jnrleiinlle inntity 19. (Inwiiril 40. Open plnce In a foret 41. Bull tighter 41. Parent 4't.
IXotion 46. Klonil red ttmirtit 7. r.vstalllieil rain IS, prom It. I'rononn el. Jteiilill or ance d.ra H.
Miiiiarle t'nndesceaif l.nrgre Tecfa tile ftrentlt 19. Bar and whit tiore 1. Kcpalr fit. 4 ompass point liinil aj. Sorrowfnl es.
)ll exrlama 4 tlon die io I CWS iNONiElE I 1 i Wiiil iinffalo ft pctie ltOWf I. Iie teen imMitt. 1 ill praks J. 1 til rut 11 X. Winelil-e 4.
Tiiidfliiiiit fi. Inke heliCTt J'nlnt nf lh eftrtir alts 5, 'I Ifping to one Aoeiatet 1. Stlliitil 11. steeple 13. ntrhrr of lam prey A TiE Of wisdom it Is ne'er a part To think of s'lf as extra smart.
Old Mother Nature. Hootv the Great Horned Owl was chuckling to himself. He chuckled and chuckled. It was a self-satiffod sort of chuckie. Could you have heard it vou would have known instantly that Hooty was very well satisfied with himself.
You see. he thoue'nt himself very smart. People do get that wav sometimes. The reason that Hooty thought himself so smart was that he was fur that Reddv Fox and Mrs. P.eddy had no idea at all that he was watching them.
Evpr since Reddv Fox had told Hooty about the turker dinner he had hfd. Hooty could think of little else. He iurrTjwf eiinrr himIf. He wanted it with a very great and. if it were a possible thing, ne Intended to have it.
-Sooner or later Reddy and Mrs. Roddy will try for another turkey," said Kooty. talking to himself. -Thev are bound to. Just as long as there are turkeys where there is 1 any chance at all for those Foxes to get them.
Reddy and Mrs. Reddy i Go through scenic, historic regions to Florida mile for mile America's most interesting trip The path of the Dixie Flyer Route trains to Florida leadi through pleasant place through scenic territory that holds a wealth of historic interest. Evansville gateway to Dixie Nashville, the lofty Cumberland and picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains, Chattanooga, Chickamauga National Park, Lookout Mountain, Atlanta the best of the Old South the choice of a New South. Two noted Dixie train traverse thi territory daily. "Dixie Flyer" leave Chicago at 10:39 p.m.
ondthe. Dixie Limited at suoo p. m. daily via Chicogo Eastern Illinois Railway from Dearborn Station (Polk and Dearborn Streets). Dixie Flyer Route train are modern In construction and luxuriously furnished throughout.
The food I of the best the service courteous end unobtrusive. Address mail inquiries to Dixie Flyer Route Travel Bureau, 1609 Pioneer Building, St. Paul, Minn. For reservation or tickets call your local ticket agent. Join our Holiday Tour to Florida nd Cuba Now Yoar'i Ive In Havana Writ for Booklot colorful personalities of the cay.
This program, wiil be heard as usual at 9 p. m. Attorney General Gives Data on Commissioners' Duties in T. B. Test Work Pierre, Dec 17.
Duties' of boards of county commissioners in establishment of a county area for the eradication of bovine tuber culosis are explained by Attorney General M. Q. Sharpe in an opinion addressed to Helmuth Giedd, state's attorney of Avon. After cattle owners petition the countv board to form a county test ing area, the board is required to determine the number of owners of cattle and the number of cattle in the county trom the tax. lists, Mr.
Sharpe said. "It may Uien determine wnetner 60 per cent of the owners of cattle in the county have signed the petition," he continued, "and if they own 60 per cent or more of the cattle in the county as disclosed by the tax lists. However, it is my opinion that the board cannot use the tax lists to determine the number of cattle owned by each individual signer. It is merely available to determine the number of owners of cattle and the total number of cat tle within the county." The hearing before the board of county is for the purpose of determining the' sufficiency of the petition and agreements filed by breeders of any county for the purpose of having the county designated as a county unit, the attorney general said. If there are found sufficient within terms of the statute, it become the mandatory duty of the board to make application to the state director of animal industry for enrollment of the county.
DAIRY SCHOOL PLANNED Gettysburg, Dec. 17. the importance of dairy cattle feeding problems. 13 farmers in the Hoveri community have agreed to attend the one-day feeding school to be held at Hdven, January 9, under the direction of G. Heeiiink, extension dairyman of State college.
At this school Mr. Heebink will discuss the comparative feeding value of different feeds, how to balance rations, how bet to utilize the feeds available and other subjects of interest to dariy cattle owners. The men who will attend the school have agreed to weight the milk of each cow for a week's period prior to the school. Following the school they will again weigh the milk of each cow, after putting into practice some of the feeding Farmers who have signed up for the feeding school are: Henry Thuente, Ben Lunders, Louis Baus, Jerome De Rouchey, John V. Abler.
Henry Mever, Gerard Van Weil, Ben Stuwe. Robert Wlrtz, Henry Hericks. William L. Rausch and J. H.
Lunders. CITY NEEDS MORE HOUSES (Special to the Argus-Leader) Granite Falls, Dec. 17. Many new homes are to be needed in Granite Falls during the coming year and the Commercial club is making an effort to solve the home building problem. At a special meeting of the organization the housing proposition freely discussed.
It was pointed out that the local building and loan association was in position to loan money for house building and local people are asked to plan on building more houses. The construction of the big North-cm States Power companv plant will bring manv new residents to Granite Falls -within the next year. 13,000 Pounds of Poultry Shipped at Oldham in Day Oldham. Dec. 17.
Oldham continues to maintain its reputation as a' leading market and trade center of tills part of eastern South Dakota, and in support of its claims cf importance in this i respect attention is called to the fact that in two days recently a single local firm bought and shipped a total of 13.051 pounds of live poultry. Farmers of the surrounding district received an aggregate of many hundreds of dollars in payment for the poultry making up the shipment. Italy's winter increase in unemployment is less than usual. RAW FURS AND JACK RABBITS Skunk, Mink and all hinds nf Raw Furs. See us before sell-, ing and make extra money.
M. STEIN CO. Hide and Fur Dealers 723 X. Main Ave, Tbnne 3379 Sionz Falls, S. I).
Extra Special MEN'S SUITS CAr Cleaned and pressed-' All work called for and delivered FREE! Terry the Tailor 20fi X. Thill Ins Ave. THOXE 2563 Mitchell. Dec. 17.
Dr. E. Boy-er. of Dakota Wesleyan university, has written a manuscript entitled Religion in the American College" which has already gone to press and will probfibly be published by the middle of the winter. Dr.
Boyer is head of the department of religion and sociology at Dakota Wesleyan. Dr. Boyer says of the bock that: "It is a factual treatment of the present status of religion in American colleges. It is analysis of several surveys which have been made, including the writer's own survey of 58 universities and colleges in this country. The work is an at tempt to discover how -far the American college goes in making available in a field an interesting and attractive fashion, the religious field of culture." Fear of Cold Weather Causes Loss of Mind Avon, Dec.
17. Fear of cold weather caused Gust Laih, 36, this city, to worry so much that he became deranged. His condition became" such that he was taken before the county board of insanity, which ordered that he be placed in the state hospital, where it is thought he might be cured by treatment. The insanity has been coming upon him for a year or more, tor during the summer it was observed that he wore a heavy fur coat each day, notwithstanding how hot the weather was. Since fall set in it is said he has kept the temperature in his room about 95 degrees.
His insanity took the form of his believing that he was in danger of being frozen to death. IRENE MASOXS NAME HEADS Irene Local Masons have reelected Gust Stuhlmaeher head of the local Masonic lodge for another vcar. C. E. Carlson and J.
H. Lang- bak were reelected senior and junior warden respectively, while Kalpn Larscn was elected treasurer. P. C. Rcinholt continues in the office of secretary.
The Masons and Eastern Stars will have a joint installation of ofticers at a meeting inursaay of tins East, Java's long drought 'is slowly breaking. Know the joy of winter living in the land of loveliness, where summer reigns while ice and snow grip the Northland. Revel in the sunshiny days and moonlit nights. Bathing all along the beach-lined coast, golf at myriad courses, modern hotels, attractive resorts, delightful places for lux-', urious loafing and play. Call on us at any time to give you detailed infor- mation about the palm- i dotted, orange-scented Southland, Also concern-I ing Caribbean cruises to the exotic tropics of colorful romance.
Corr.plrt inctrmarfM. rrwrvations. (itWc at P. WEST Taeeencr and TKket Aceor Fhona 1 34. Stoux Fail.
S. Dek. Electrified over the Rockits to the Sea northern Europe trees their, loaves when the snow comes; but there are some trees which do not have true leaves the evergreens. The "needles" of evergreens remain green' through the winter. use of Christmas trees in southern Germanv, among families living near the Rhine river.
Ttie spread of the custom was century ago, at about the time Queen Victoria married a German prince. A record of a Christmas tree celebration in England about 30 years aso tells how a minister and the village school teacher led the children of the village to a hall where there was a lighted tree. The candles were colored red, blue, veilow and green. At the top of the tree was a figure of an angel, holding a British flag in one hand. The Christmas tree custom was brought to this continent by immigrants, chiefly those who came from Germany.
Some cities and villages have "community Christmas trees." These are larse evergreens trees lighted with electric bulbs, the branches made gay by tinfel I have seen such trees decorated where they were growing, and making lovely sisrnts 01 unrisimas encer. Tomorrow The Idea of Santa Claus. (Copyright, 1929, Pub. Syndicate) Then lie krpt an eye on Reddy nd Mrs. Reddy wherever they went he was seen.
And all the time he was chuckling to himself and Reddy awj jlrs, Reddy were chuckling to themselves. It was all a sort of of beginning to get discouraged, for not once had either Reddy or Mrs. Reddv left the Green Meadows 'and the Green Forest. They had kept to their old hunting grounds Hooty began to wonder if after ail they had given up the idea of another turkey dinner. However, knowing Reddv and Mrs.
Reddy as he did, he couldn't believe that. "Patience." he would mutter to rnmseit. Patience, joining gained without patience. is Curiously enough, Reddy was saying much the same thing to Mrs. Reddy.
Both were anxious to get back for another try at those turkeys, but both realized that it would be wise not to go back too soon. Reddy had been shot at and stune by the shot. They knew that this rnant that that, farmer who had fired the terrible (run would be keeping a sharp watch over his tur- the n'imber of hours baby sleeps and just let baby i walk away with the record. Should Cod Liver Oil Be Given I In One Dose Mrs. W.
W. also wants to know if cod liver oil should be given in several doses, or only one? If her bahy en catch whooping cough from a friend baby who had it in September? If she should leave baby 'ace exposed when she takes the baby out. and if glycerine for i enemas should be used plain or with water? We'll tackle them one at a time, i Cod liver oil, because it is so rich and fat rnieht unset baby if given all in one dose, so we find ic wiser to divide the day dose into three parts and give one do5 after three meals instead of just one. After six weks there would bo no danecr of babv's catchinn whoop- ing cou7h. The disease is a i lengthy one, but not that hardy.
In nix weeks it has given up the ghost. If babv is to get any benefit from I his daslv airmi he has to have some arfas of his skm exposed to the Iicnt and sun. cant be bene-i fued if he goea out with his face I DAILY CROSS-WORD Solution of Yesterday' PuzzI4 are going to try lor menu- ne ejt.q 1 garae t0 Ke wntf could out-smart those turkeys roost in a tree. Could i tne 0ther. And all the time the anything be finer for me? A turkey 1 thoughts of ail of them were con-In a tree is a dinner set for me.
cerned chiefly with turkeys. lTJr ito Three days went past-three days AU I hae i and three nights. By day Reddy fnd out where turkejs are, Reddv and Hooy slept They mw 1 rnuh ofbe time. Xate ch here, or I shwnd ha.e discovered im ACROSS J. Teiea for h)ltlne Ihlnri together C.
NpeetttlJ IPjPjgjftgSTiSjEiM tnst Inesflr f.rirv au around the neighborhood looking for them and sooner or later I would Snd them. But the quickest way and easiest way is to keep watch of Reddy and Mrs. Reddy and let them lead me to the turkeys." So. Hooty began hancing around the Old Pasture, excepting during the middle of the day. He pretended not to be watching Reddy and Mrs.
Reddv. He pretended tol be simply hunting. It didn't occur to him that Redely and Mrs. Reddy rrjcht wonder why he had chosen the Old Pasture for his hunting ground, when never before had he paid it more than an occasional rmt. He underrated the smartness of F.inr Fox.
Yps, sir. he underrated Reddy's smartness. It doesn't do to underra te people. You are ai-tfi'wt jture to lone out if you do. So, Hooty too pains to be some- hr within sUrht of the home of Reddv in the Old Pasture late in It.
i.rean II. Oilran U. drift it. Stak ed 1 a tlnmmr in isTti i if uttnril practice JT. Hire IH, American JMcthoiiist rfiriite I.
in old 3. Appral Si. Letter nlptiahet II. Kuent uf sarin it. Jlarcatanreat learee it.
Militinit In A i. Hue ek.thejj rnlloq. 50. Wn present at St. Kecret Fiery animal SR.
IhII J. Jirixip lit (h renter Maealln name lnke trial nf 43. rupt'it 41. I.aelie (roi) of the ea 45. Aiatic prnln- aia, 46.
IVroBp of I. Inn. in the I'aeirlr Title a kniirht 1. Share of profit ft! I 0TiHiEiftEORrEji SlK'ElASNiSODOURIN ciblA-K I miafM it. ecatii pre- it.1.
The earth as a eoilili -1. Vatmnt ih.ih it. a ffHIN'l Oirl t'nj itstottr I ran Hug anl-mat i. Snfrlcleittt pnelieal llT-aiifiil Ci. ImaRilinllr "rilirj llnlrt t'.
1 heater aeata III, llnniian parrot tlh fi. Oriental hlp captaiu Lail 1 the afternoon before it was time for keys, for a whne at least. Reddy to go hunting Then he kept 1929. T. W.
Burgess) an eye on Rrddy and Mrs. Reddy I wherever they went. He did hl The next story: 'Patience Is not to be seen himself. But warded." Your Baby And Mine By MYRTLE METER fXDRFD y-Y leer fVnsc I a You can call your local coal merchant an r-' of Consolidation mine -r Millers nhsolote the i tihu him Sain don't like it and don't think it is I 1 free VllTV. C2 call I 14 To 7T i 24 5 a S( Ti Jo 7i j3 .5 IT" 7 Is 5T 'Tf "ZcT 7i 4 t7 TIT 5o St Si Tit 3J Jd i'f laO at toZ y3 yr 4 4 wj lei rr' Ja ZTjl T.
js i 1 1 1 1 i iiii the question or wnat cDa. to he'll remove it from your bins wunv- ARE YOU AGITATED BY PROWESS Or NEIGHBORS' BABIES? A mother would, be much happier If she would cease putting up her own baby for comparison with the neighbors' and relatives" Imbies and making herself miserable because he isn't exactly like them. For any friend to crow exultantly. baby sleps all night, or gains eight ounce a week, or has three teeth," is enotieh to cast her ion into the depths if her own baby isn't meet- This is the fly in the ointment of Mrs. W.
W. S. She writes, "At eight months my sister-in-law's baby is sleeping ail nisht throutth and mat of the cav. and my four months old babv is onlv sleeping 14 hours. Isn't tnat too little?" Fourteen hours sleep isn't quit as many hours as we would like so small a baby to sleep, but it is still an average amount which even some new born babies do not exceed.
If all conditions encouraging to sleep, regularity of all habits, a comfortably fully tummy and that means a Tegular sain in weight toot are being met by the mither, then t'w ntd not worry too much about The only reason that auch i. that thi. co.I ha. aa.fully -1 th P' it F' Tho producer, know how m-A with onlv tinr bit of nil wun oniy ....7 t. now They kt" tr rear And they know, from tho -it to ha it removed.
ottiera, inai tou.