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ozA16 FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM n-ESDA FEBRUARY 23 1926 ELEVEN --o--- 4 1 CilhYCH 04'7 SCORIE HO4'7ORS 11 1' Jr "IR COMMODITY NEWS NOTES CATTLE RECEIPTS MOSTLY UNDESIRABLE BUYING SLOW Brownwood Will Get Rifle Range ZOROACK CPTA 7eor1Je of CROSSW016D PUZZLE? Third j71: 1 -4 1 is rol Race I 211 lo231 22 1 I 1 1023 I I 124-02 -T 1 ohms minnow 9 'D 13 -1 i4 I 15 I 11 I I Irm116 1 ILat 21 I 022 1 I a I 24 132 I A 3 UTILITY MERGER Is UNIFYING All HATES REPRESENTATIVE SAW Livestock NORTHFIELD Minn Feb Brook Inks Segls 5-year-old purebred Holstein cow owned by A Lashbrook near here produced 8068 pounds of butter In seven days The cow produced 655 pounds of milk in the week the largest day's milking being- 997 pounds This Is considered a record for a Minnesota cow In Winter MMk 11 75 1116 13-1987 960 Z4 963 4 :4 Special to The Star-Tetegratn nnowNwooD Feb 22 --Officer6 of the National Guard here received information Monday 4- at the rifle range would be established here within the next few days and that all equipment consisting' of targets and target machinery had been shipped The range will be on the Brownwood-Bang road just outside the city limits of Brownwood and will have four range distances-204) 300 600 and 1000 yards The range will be at all times under the direct supervision of the national guard but will be open for civilian membership 700 1 740 11 695 6 443 Dry Goods buying has gotten off to a good start in the local stores aided by heavy newspaper advertising Furniture salea of the last month have broken all records Capt Rolla Adams of the Arkansas University basket ball team has just about cinched first place in the mat 3113 2 3 7 I 041 I 1 I 1" I 11" I 1 I 1 1 1 10" 1" ar15-3 -056 157 5 0-161 1 63 I 1 6-rn68 T-1 69 1 72 I 173 i074 I 176 1 1 1 I r-----Erit2T-12 -s 0 29 1 130 1 111-ii 1 1 1 34 I I 10" I I Lai Fr I 0 1:179 I I LT 0 42 I 43 l- i 1 1 inel' I 1044 r6 1 1 Icy 1 I 140 I M5 I 17052 153 154 F-1 tit ---59 -----11-1- 59 or in5 I i i 1 63 0 6 165 I 4 1 12-66-1 11 I I 1 0 70 69 1 1 I 1 1 rr1171 I 1 I L4 I 1- 173 1274 I I I E175 I I I 1 1 1 I '077 1 1 I I I I 26 i 1 27 126 29 1 LI 1 i 0 1 1 3--13z I a) I I 1 r4 033-7136 I 37 I 1 133 I Cr9 I I I 1----r-- 041 042 i 1 043 I 1 0:44 1 0 1 I 45 I 1 r6 1 It I 149 I FI50 l- 411--i 51 1 I 1 0 51153 154 Fl 0 56 157 Er 1 'ir2 I I l' i i 59 1 016 0 61 1 63 1 iv" 64 165 1 1 66 T- 1 LI 1 6-71" 0" i ''''71 1 11 72 1 I 173 1274 I I I 1B75 I I I 16 1 1 I 1 I '077 1 1 I I I I Vegetables large companies here will open for the spinach pack about April 1 A Em all pack is expected and about half the amount estimated has been contracted ter of individual scoring among Southwest Conference The curly-headed rv-f The curly-headed HILLSBORO GIRLS AWARDED LETTERS I pt tc: It at with )vers T9til Nnue i it oi7 i and 1f7 i 11 706 ofl mai- 1 titht tain I the I by trkt IP Razorback wonder has 107 points to his credit His team-- Z1 second with Steel PITTSBURGIT 171111S are now making a 60-day nail contract et the old price of $275 Tin plate operations continue heavy mate Pickel is 4 640 1 920 13 430 3 970 6 b54 2 915 21023 17 583 1 790 15 928 3 633 3 678 3 878 2 873 17 881 3 850 1 870 4 '700 3 726 2 815 3 916 3 823 1 970 2 CO5 5 f6 23 5S0 3 573 1 730 1 840 1 750 HILLSBORO Feb and sweaters have been presented to eight members of the 1926 girls' basket ball team of the Hillsboro High School They were given as follows: Jackson captain and McCall forwards Scott Hartsfield and A Reid guards A Falls I Scott and Poston centers The cattle run of Monday was estimated at 3200 grown cattle and 400 calves A week ago the run consisted of 3047 cattle and 365 calves A year ago the count stood at 3791 cattle and 449 calves The days supply consisted of 20 cars of steers More than half being to sell as beeves the remainder as stockers The she stock carried an undue portion of cheap cows with a fair proportion of decent beef and butcher stuff The cheap portion of the beef cattle held to a steady outgo at $647 but the better eon of beeves took a alow movement Some of the latter were eligible to sell as feeders but the demand was not sufficinet to take these to the calves early Small drafts of fintahed cattle cleared at 38Q9 Bulk of the she stock contrary to the experience of last week and previous weeks ran to cheap costing cows and were the firet to move taking steady Prices The good butcher cows had a range of $450Q'5 the beef assortment of cows had a top of $7 ranging down to $550 cutters moved at $375V4 and can ners from $3(1385 Yearlings had to face a distaste on the part of buyers 'levered cars due to sell at $8 or better being left until a late hour The general run of yearlings and heifers insmall drafts made a spread of $650'1 7 Bulls were prime favorites with the trade heavy bulls getting up to $5e0 and strong weights selling within the range $4U450 and even $5 The calf supply carried very good vealers and these were taken by city butchers at $8506 Decently fleshed calves of around 300 pounds made $8 and heavier weights cleared at $74775 A common sort went over at $600 down The bog trade based on arrivals of 1000 one car direct to packers took SeV I eral hours to make a showing Arrivals came from Oklahoma Louisiana New Mexico and Texas seven cars each from Oklahoma and Texas The market die-I closed that light hogs were in the most demand the day's top of $13 being taken by hogs of this description Bulk void at $1260a1285 Heavies took a spread of $11751235 pigs and heavy pack- lug sows were unchanged The market' stood at the close a dime to 15 cents above the ruling rate at the end of last' week The sheep trade was steady on aged sheep and a quarter lower on lambs A deck of the latter fresh shorn made $1050 Fall shorn breeding ewes cleared at $750 and wethers at $8 Steers 3100 3700 3670 $1 916 S5 720 46 962 720 900 9 891 800 Vessel66s 900 660 50 900 2 410 800 775 375 3 516 760 Cows 360 20 471 $00 350 3 523 $00 300 9 063 615 525 2 691 300 650 a 610 325 4 892 450 675 S- 684 460 300 3-1160 400 400 5 964 475 600 14 512 300 325 325 4 825 375 6:5 4 935 625 525 2 1045 550 5:69 27 845 610 510 27 872 510 460 6 994 600 600 13 913 525 400 1 820 700 525 1 844 625 600 10 602 325 500 7 560 375 475 3 1025 550 336 9 926 500 550 7S3 435 335 1 990 625 315 13 630 335 325 10 534 300 300 6 830 425 454 4 740 375 500 4 752 650 400 Buns 610 1 1470 504 375 620 600 375 6-1454 650 650 1-1260 450 375 325 1 730 425 400 1 940 650 375 1-1030 000 Heifers 650 1 780 600 450 2 545 300 625 2 745 725 500 493 423 610 1 494 600 650 1 600 700 800 2 485 100 700 Antomobrie Accessories Eaton Axle and Spring Company is increasing Operations The Steel Products Company is busy on a big order for special valves The Murray Body Company of Ohio is heavily engaged on metal parts for Cleveland end Detroit motor manufacturers and on automoNics for juveniles lit ROLE fC0Pyright 1926 by The Star-Telegraraj NEW YORK Feb financing by public titilities corporations In 1925 Is expected to approximate 51700000000 This compares with c- t(i: nu Tet el7ortork SZV778776 in pub lic utility securities 2 ceeded by a last year and this sum will be ex ill WM' margin this year The demand lot gas and electric :74::4:: service Is growing constantly New customers In Neve York State are 11104 ''e1: rinagte atTiaelboutatl10c'ilg a day The con sumption of elea- 4-- tric current throughout country which toRoy-LE taled 59517000005 kilowatt hours in 1925 is expeeted to increase to over 65 000000 kilowatt hours this year Con gumption of manufactured gas In 1921 was 437771000000 cubic feet and prob ably will expand 10 per cent by the end of December This tremendous demand Is pushing the gas and electric business toward consolidation into unified systems In view- of this fact and the huge volutat of securities which will be offered thc public in the next 10 months there ill II wide discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of mergers and of holding companies It is notable however that opposition to these unifications is direct ed not ao much at their use as at theill abuse HUBBARD GOLFERS ORGANIZE CLUB Packing House Froducts CANSA CITY pack in house trade Is now on a fair basin mtrith prices well stabilized and demand good considering the Lenten season 94 and Torn George of third with 80 Arkansas Las two more both with at and George will have less than a little chance to gain anything on the two leaders in elose tilts T7 has one other in Dallas Tuesday the indications are that the scoring will very low and that George will come nowhere making up the 27 points difference that now exists between him and the leading Adams The big center lost his best opportunity last Friday night against Texas lie missed at least 12 points he sh)uld have made in that game Following is the complete conference individual scoring record: 1-171 FT TP Adams Ark 43 21 1(17 Piekel Ark 17 94 71 13 A 1417 94 9 IP rirrlp NV tile re Lt? inb HILLSBORO Feb 22---The Hubbard Municipal Golf Club has been organized for Hubbard Hill County and the course is now being put into shape The officers of the club are! Onstott president Webb Sanders and Meek lin vice presidents Scott Purniture DETROIT---Grand Rapids furniture interests have completed plans for erection of a 34-8tory building In Grand Rapids the largest of its kind in the world It will be known as the furniture capital and devoted to furniture exhibits and containing a furniture club The building will have 1000000 square feet of floor epace and will cost approximately $6000000 HORIZONTAL r7 Perceive 85 Part of a church 87 Amatory 89 A keepsake (pl) 41 Else 42 Oath 43 Bleat of sheep 44 Baby's -name for father 45 Occurring yearly 43 Backless seat' for one person pl) 51 Brood of pheasants (Pl) 52 Flock 53 Newspaper paragraph 56 Middle Atlantic State (ab) 5S Epoch 59 Beverage 60 Pronoun 62 Deceased 64 Metal container (pl) 66 Note of Guido scale 67 Fa16e1iood 69 Very hard mineral 71 Skill 72 Small particle 74 Silly 75 Military assistant 76 Shows resentment 7 Continued rapid chirping 1 Sure 7 Gall 13 Medley 14 Mother of 'war" 16 Memorandum 17 Cover is Deed (pl) 20 Terminus 21 Bone 22 Island in the Hawaiian group 23 Mans name 25 Metric measure of area 2G Abridged (lib) 27 Fishing 141e 2t) Born gl Nest (pl) 1 900 7 14 10-1391 1 710 1 640 760 1 9 03 1 410 4 620 1 440 24 608 1 700 610 16 616 CAMERON HEADS MILAM MEDICAL BODY 2i 17 :41 2 :5 I Jobbing Market I el BS BS 64 L3 41 4s 41 FS 6 :14 13 IP -7 1 I 3 I I 1 i 4 I 4 4 I 775 625 725 700 600 375 4G0 LOS 420 238 260 232 '4 Kyle A Ftricklfl I a 7 Bay Rice i Alliscn -I Flkes A ltf Porgchow 1 Munn T- F9quie! Texas Cantelmi I Slade Bay WarAer Bay King TeKaR I Tucker A I LindFo7- 1 3 iteer 3 A7rs 1 Ar I ilia I BCatn ra I''-2e A itt IP 1 r5t-5 Tt: ma ltddd24-3n I Cearg Kyle A Ftrickland Day Rice Alliscu I Stkes A Nf 1 Por echow 7darn 17 Eequv ie! Tea xas Cantelmi Slade Bay 2 War Aer BaT Klur Tucker A LIndFo7 1 Acer A -1 Ff kr Car G-ar Bar 1 -i Itt-- r5t5 Tr4 FrPadrn3n 1-7 4 A CAMERON Feb Newton has been elected bead of the Mi lam County Medical Society Dr Monroe was elected vice president and Dr Taylor secretary and treasurer Dr Newton as a young surgeon established a hospital at Buckholts- a -number of years ago and later was attracted to Cameron and established and built the Cameron Hospital one of the finest hospitals in this section of the State i 21 7 0 14 13 3 19 1 5 1 I 17 12 16 9 3E 8 13 11 14 11 13 i'l 1: 9 9 4 'rdavnm 6 Texas a 255 346 307 258 264 223 31') 229 2LS 1LG 2S2 725 800 400 775 30 Caireg 650 22 50 40 700 18 750 13 600 5 425 15 425 401 16 L04 46 750 775 4 25 40 701 yrox6 23 1175 12 1265 1:775 1250 8 270 ZI12 21S 149 Is 7141 VERTICAL Date of death of a person An aquatic catnivore Beautified Unit Yellowish green aluminum calcium areaEm To reprove Expunge An escalade (obs) Genus of composite plants Corrode Bony Consumed On account of Lubricates 1 Perfumery 2 City in dreere where Olympic games are held 3 Free -4 Toward 5 An island (S4Jotell) 6 The existing universe 7 Nurses Forty days fast 9 Symbol for tin 10 Digit 11 Volcano in Sicily 12 Dries again 15 One hundred one (Roman) 13 River in Switzerland 19 Evil '50 Make a display of small knowledge 53 Type of fortification (pl) 14 Vacuous 57 Meadow Pismire Loeation 63 Entrance to a mine (15 Over again 60 Haring a single blunt-pointed Projection from some part 05 Goddess of dawn 70 Mather 71 Small island 73 Myself 75 By Quotations 3600 including' 400 4 calves market steady beeves 5500 47" 9 stockers fat cows 34(47 le-- yearlings $51109 heifers $450U8-50 26 canners $3'4350 cutters $375C4 calves 17 85T09 bulls $360560 2S 1000 including 100 2 4 directs market 10 to 15 cents higher: 10 best medium weights 31285413 good "10- raised 31275q 1'285 good lights 411240 fair mixed $1220'412Z0 fair $1175(a12 common 8649 rack- ing sows pigs S1ord12 400 market 25 cents 5 lower slaughter lambs U05040450 feeder lambs $9 el0 yearlings 13500 9 wethers 18(ir850 awes 375019 culls 14 13 $1V-11 feeders $67 goats 314'350 33 59 Comparative Receipts 24 Cattle Calves Hoge Shp 15 Monday 3 200 400 1400 400 Wk ago 3047 865 1417 531 16 Yr ago 3797 449 2672 377 59 YebrItarY Receipts 3 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep a This yr 49167 10265 20620 6864 3 Last pr 48307 8549 ao162 19727 8 3 Receipts From Jan 1 7 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep 62 For 192 137977 25541 40436 16102 28 For 1925 122169 23349 79907 44214 47 28 17 2S 24 10 Business News 7 SI 111 40 45 4" 47 49 "Baldwin Wooldr 6 nop Ark Dillow Bay 5 Parr Ish Str-11er Texas Billups Rice 6 Dawson 4 Broad A 5 Mattbewe 6 Oile Texas 6 Rey '5 Broad A IL 5 Matthews 6 One Texas 6 Rey I 1 22 1 114 IS 2S 11 14 14 14 12 3'2 12 12 4 1300 1150 1300 1300 1235 1275 1300 1785 1275 1250 1200 1025 900 1176 900 1000 1200 177 169 193 193 180 230 182 18 221 233 304 411 451 240 353 252 163 81 f32 4sa 167 200 :06 155 282 253 173 310 E65 413 455 413 242' :94 243 DULUTIr Feb 22--By pooling operations of papsenger trains the Northern Pacific and the Boo Line will eliminate four trains daily Tickets of either road will be good on all trains An annual saying of $150000 in operating expenses Is anticipated as a result of the plan which the Interstate Commerce Commission has approved 10 6 s6 4 6 8 5 2 I 1285 1075 8 1250 1185 8 1300 2 1060 200 1060 1050 1160 1200 3285 2 1225 1150 Sheep I Saturday's Solution I 4 4 Se rv lee Expected Consumers expect and have a right te expect service from a public service core poration Assurance that this service will be rendered them in spite of outside conditions or untoward CirCUMStaneei has seemed essential to conttnued expels sion This has been a factor In the merging of utility compardee Thera have enabled plants to supplement eacia other in the rendering of service There has been 'widespread gain in opemtingefficiency ae a result of some of these mergers with a corresponding widening of net earnings and some reductions have been made The effect of the mergers so far however has been toward stabilization and unification of rates rather than toward sharp dee creases discussing these mergers and the offering of utility stocks and bonds to the country many limes of the system have been pointed out The chief danger emphasized Is that Impending to purchasers of non-voting stock and to minority stockholders Dangerous Situation It was pointed out Monday in this cennection that the chief cause of the War with England which General Washington led was the fact that the colonies had no vote in handling their own ate fairs It was made clear that if a grouts of capitalists secured control of a cone cern for say $25000000 In non-voting stock and reserved for itself the Issues carrying votes with complete control and power to wreck the concern if desired It created a dangerous situation Clear-headed bankers agreed but said that the best protection for the public Jay In the hands of the public 'Itself and that ruch a game could not stand if the old legal maxim 'caveat emptor" let the buyer beware were followed They stated that the companies in the end had to go to the public for their needed funds and if the public refused buy steps must be taken to make offerings meet the public's demands They declared further that minority' stockholders could wield tremendous power in any corporation in which they hold voting stock provided they knew their rights and Insisted on them just as voters had the power to redress polite ical abuses if they took the trouble to register and vote I 21 10 0 0 3 Deal 'Makes' New Miller Ball Team CHCAGO---rndustrIal employment In Chicago is seasonably lower with the decline set at 1-4 per cent The chief falling off was In the metal Industries Wearing apparel plants picked up 3 I' I 1 115 3 ko 0 0 4 4 4 1S00 150 800 35 7110 1 495 4 Hopkins Rico a Parker Ark 2 Calvin Rice 3 Ught t' Blount Rice 2 Moore Texas 1 Maziirt Ati fridl ds -Berke Ark 77iner Ark Eucktran Ark 1 Htsgins Texas 1 Joseph Rice 1 IL Taylor 17 1 Cur Texas 1 43regory Ark 1 Bean TExas 1 PTICtid t7 9 Speer 0 Kane Ba7- dit Hannah 1V13- 1 Kelley Bny di 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 I I 25 ewes 74 ewes li wethers Lambs 123 fresh shorn 1 revs passenger terminal of Southern Pacific costing $2217077 will bo formally opened here Feb 27 It is near the site of the old stage depot of gold rush days 10 50 1 gS65 :3 Receipts at Other Markets log Cattle Sheep 500 600 40000 19000 15000 c000 13500 6000 to 000 9000 10500 13500 5000 750 9000 45N) 130 14500 4300 2300 3500 3000 5000 4500 1100 200 3350 1600 2203 1200 2500 50 OTHER TRADING POINTS Oklahoma City Chicago Kansas City Omaha St Louts Sioux City St- Paul St Joseph Indianapolis Denver Wichita Fargo ms City City utos City tol leph Ipoi so IVA! MCA' Lila SHOs I 'ism! Alms AEA APE UP TED ACF 11114105RE'All iet KorEin gORSS E'N PrS7Y-Alla 131 El I SrftiLDIT3 I 11TIEGR'Al LVIIs t'D tE RIFE NI SIPIELC12 WrAlFigR AINIIS wiv IS Si IITIECMDI Sn VAIEILO to ft ft 1 I Fresh Siegetahlea Prices are those paid by retailers to Jobbers: Lettuce per crass $34 Potatoes Burbank per pound 41ic Potatoes white per pound 44sc Yams per pound $2 25 Carrots per bunch 8c Cabbage per pound 305c Celery dozen bunches Celery per crate Rutabagas pound 3c Tomatoes 20-pound bag $3 Green peppers pound Onions pound tic Parsnipa pound Sc Freah Fruits Prices are those paid ta jobbera by retailers: Banana pound 7c Limes basket 5125 Lemons per box $5550 Oranges Florida box Is California oranges $550 Apples per box 32500425 Grapefruit Florida box $560 Packing House Product' Prices are those paid by retailers for best goods: Hams per pound 24c 13reakfa5t bacon strips pound 43c Breakfast bacon sliced pound 470 Fresh pork loins pound 28c Fresh shoulders pound "1c Fresh hams pound Sc Compound lard in barrels Pound1414c Pure lard in barrels pound 18c Dry salt bacon pound "Oe Pure pork sausage pound 20c roultry and Eggs Prices are those paid shippers to the Fort Worth market by jobbers here: Hens per pound 2Ic Young chickens to lbs lb 35c Young chickens above 21i lbs 11 21c Roosters per pound Turkeys No 1 per Pound 35c Turkeys No per pound 25o Ducts dozen 1720 Guineas dozen 5380 Geese dozen $12US15 Eggs fresh country crate 5850 Packing butter pound 28c Grath Hay and Feed Prices are those charged retailers by Fort jobbers: Corn mixed bushel 2100 Corn white bushel 5105 Corn yellow bushel $105 Oats bushel Cnc Corn chops per cwt $190 Corn in car $105 Kaffir corn per cwt $150 Maize per 100 pounds $1 60 Ground oats per 100 pounds $1 05 White shorts per 100 pounds S'40 13rown shorts per 100 pounds 2195 Bran per cwt $165 HOMIrly feed per cwt $185 Alfalfa hay per ton $3000 Prairie hay per ton 2050 Flour and Meal Prices are those paid by retailers to Fort Worth mills: Flour extra high patent btl $980 Flour extra high patent 4s lbs $245 Flour extra high patent 24 Itu 3125 Flour extra high patent 1:2 lbs66c Cream meal CO lbs $1374 Cream meal 25 Ms 65c Cream meal 10 lbs 27e Cream meal 5 lbs 14e Beans and Rice Prices are those paid by retailers to Fort Worth jobbers: Sugar beet 100 pounds $843 Sugar cane 100 pounds 58 55 California navies small pound California blackeye lb 8 Pinto beans pound 7c Largo limas pound 13ic Baby limas pound lle Rice pound 8c a 1 1 1 1 114900 63100 42500 1 Totals OTHER TRADING POINTS By Associated Press MINNEAPOLIS Feb deal whereby Johnny Butler went to Brooklyn in exchange for seven player 6 has "made" the 1924 Millers in the opinion of Manager Mike Kelly Four infielders two pitchers and an outfielder were added to the local roster by the transaction This gives Minneapolis a surplus Of seasoned players in virtually every department Kelly figures that Ids infield worries are cleared up as "Cotton Tierney and lIorace Ford were Brooklyn regulars last year at second and shortstop Tireney is booked for third while Ford and "Chuck" Corgan Western League flash will compete for the short field jolt Five southpaw pitchers beaded by "Babe" Benton are depended upon to circumvent the local right field fence Kelly has right handers The beavy hitting 1926 outfit of Duncan Smith and Fisher will be augmented by Schultz bought from Cicinnati and Loftus former Dodger fly chaser The catchers include Kreuger purchased from Cincinitati Tigers Go Into Bi-district Meet With Fine Record 1 medium $1190013-25: light 31125V $13-75 light lights $1250(d14 19000 at steers slow uneven about steady killing quality rather plain best neavies $1125 yearlings $1085 stockers and feeders strong she stock fully steady butts strong to 10 cents higher: vealers steady to 25 cents lower at $1050ral150 few medium lights downward to $10 15000 killing classes opening active fat lambs strong to 25 cents higher mostly 25 cents up early bulk $1275V13 to $1325: few clipped lambs $11 several decks of fat ewes strong at $850U860 asking higher on feeding lambs no early sales ST JOSEPH' llo Feb Receipts 2500 market 10 to 25 cents higher: top S12-70 bulk $11504t1250 4000 triarket steady to 25 cents lower bulk of steers $8-250 960 cows and heifers $350419 calves $55012E0: stockers and feeders $660eP 850 S000 market strong lambs 1125t11250 ewes Vies RANSAS CITY Feb 13500 calves 2500 better grades fat steers and yearlings opening fully steady plainer kinds weak to lower yearlings 91025 other early sales steers 9325C19G5 she stock comparatively scarce steady bulk butcher cows $475 ett 625 fed heifers up to 9850 bulls fully steady vealers 50 cents lower practically to 9615: stockers and feeders fairly active steady to strong bulk 97509 6000 market uneven better grades 216 pounds down to shippers steady to 10 cents higher weightier 15 to 25 cents higher mostly :5 cents higher shipper top 91280 1S5 poutd weights packer top $12-40 bulk of sales 91135V1275 desirable 180 to 215 pounds 912601275: assorted 120 to 160 poltrols 91275'013 packing sows 91075 stags 9875Q 950 stock pigs steady 1125011 13-50 Sheep--Recelpts 6000 lambs strong to 15 cents higher top 91260 desirable weighty kinds mostly $1225i-t1250 odd lots sheep st2ady Houston May Take Over Austin Club I I I 1 1 I I 11111 I I II I I I I EAST ST L011S Feb 33--Hogs---1-tecelpts 13500 market 25V50e higher one load 171 pound average $14 out of line other choice light hogs $1380 and down bulk early sales 130 to 190 pound averages $135U '1375 20 to 260 pounds $1250CV1275 300 to 350 pounds 41165 -13 packer sows S1Ota1066 6000 beef -steer run fairly liberal quality mostly trading slow: buyers acting bearish light yearlings and heifers steady to strong one load heifers $925 beef cows steady with spots strong bulk $6250 536 bulls and good and choice shipping vealers unchanged good and choice shipping vealera $1460 equal quality lightweights around $13 Sheep---Receipts 7U00 market about steady supply limited to clipped lambs good 83 pound clipped lambs $1128 choice wool lambs quotable up to $13 best wool ewes $S76 The WOMEN' LOUNGE I a II I 4 a 0 111 WORKER OF CORPUS OKLAHOMA CITY Feb Receipts 110u market fully eteadY only one load good beef cattle offered and It went at $840: bulk good shipping cows $560 f'd 0 choice calves scarce light weights $360(tt10: choice heavies not enough stockers to test values 400 tristlet 10 to 15 cents higher top $1225 bulk around 12 The hopes of the Texas Association for starting the season with six teams now rest on Fred Ankenman president of the Houston Texas League club At the association meeting in Corsicana Sunday Ankenman about came to an agreement whereby he would take over the Austin franchise and operate it He was in Austin Monday seeing about the detail or rangernents Ankeninan has until Feb 25 to give his final decision Mark A DeWitt of Corsicana was elected at the Sunday meeting to the joint positions of league president secretary treasurer and statistician A committee NVlS appointed to redraft the constitution and by-laws of the league and also to arrange a schedule 1 0 OMAHA Neb Feb Et000 market 10 to 25- cents higher desirable 150-200 pound 'selections $125561285 top $13 on 140 pounds up bulk 240-300 pound butchers S1150a12: packing sows 510ra1025 9000: fed steers and yearlings slow steady to weak bulk of early sales $825V959 medium weights $97501025 other killing classes steady stockers and feeders active strong bulk butcher cows $525tr675 heifers $7 25 et 839 light vealers nen stockers and feeders $710(4 early a1es fat lambs to shippers strong to 25 cents higher desirable weight wool lambs $1225V1250 sheep steady desirable weight fat ewes $70750 PORT PROJECT KILLED CORPUS CHRISTI Feb 22---T Green of Houston employed in construction of the transfer sheds in the port project here was killed when he fell 22 feet from a scaffold on which he was workiLg "Monday morning Green i survived by his widow and smal son who reside in Houston They bad just returned to Houston Saturday night after visiting him here CHICAGO Feb 40000: market 15 cents to mostly 25 cents higher lighter weights advanced 25 to 36 cents shipping outlet broad packers doing little to 300 pound butchers largely W51-1)12 bulk desirable '290 to 225 pound averages 31225e 1310 majorAy sorted 180 pounds down S1350q14 top on 130 pounds up 114 110 pounds up $1386 packing sows $990 (11065 heavyweight hogs 11150U1226 London Money LONDON Feb silver Per ounce money 3 Per cent- biscount rates: Short bills 414 4 per cent three months 414e4 3-16 per cent 0 on the Wabash "Banner Blue Limited" Is a little nook of exquisite daintiness and comfort to fl The StarTergript CORSICANA Feb the defeat of Rio Vista for the district championship of the University of Texas Interscholastic League here Saturday niglit by a score of 45 to 9 the Corsicana High School Tigers entered The bidistriet contest and will play Gatesville some time during the corning week With the overwhelming defeat of the Rio Vista team the Tigers continue their wonderful march toward the state championship The record of the Tigers to date is 15 victories Out of 16 times played The Tigers have scored 575 points (hiring the season as compared with L'tlit points for the opposition The record for the year follows: Dec 37 Faculty All 11 Dec 1S--Tiger5 SI Arlington height! Fort Worth 11 Dec 37 Arlington 10 wee Grand Saline 29 17Dec 19 Grand Saline Tr 29 Fort 'Worth Triangles '24 Jan 54 Gaston Avenue Baptists Wallas) 11 Jan Kerens Jan 19--Tigers 14 Kerens 13 Jan 39 --aco 13 Jan- 10 31 II (Dallas) 2i 'Feb 51 Polytechnic iFort Worth) 24 63 Midlothian 16 Feb 27 Colts IS re3 Stephenville Feb- In--Tigers 45 ho Vista 9 MOON MULLINS 0 By Willard I The fast 634 hour afternoon train from St Louis with the world's finest equipment Other service at convenient hours too KOo 1 I Th 7 4oe -TH ss vioNi-r MA1-cE FOLx eVES BACK HOME POP tAit4E1143 ME'( SEE NAY piCroRe tKi THE PAPERS WILTONI! FROM LEFT To R161-41: MR JAAJILICI141 WORMLEY A140-- THE 01-0-t3)MmOyFORP- r------- my STAPS! ---AMNr--- picroRe WI THE PAPERS WILTON! FROM LEFT To RICat-CT: MR 114110'01Q WORMLEV THE DOKE OV LUMMOXFORP- NAV STAPS! I NOw Be SURE AMC) p4AmE RidaHT PHOTOcbRAPv4ER-? Was wORMLEY OF 30PLANI NOW BE SURE AD c)E-i- NIAME RidaHT PHOTOCPAPV4ER-2 roe I The Necte 13a Phie znutea II I' a a a 1 3 PIRATE VANGUARD ON WAY TO CAMP wtt--roml LOOK! -II-M DOKE Is (JET-I-IN46 HIS PICTURE -TAKEM 0 n--ir -r-41 if r- -a 9' tad-fir 40t 1 i vtu--roml (ee -i lko "4 aNn age 16 cht 00 A 6115 i 'Z '1 i 11 :441 "Ce I A 1 (ti -11-M DOKE 4 4S 01 1 04 0 4 CJET-rimej i I TAKEM His PicruRE i 'I I mal 1 -10N las ---i 141 -1 It -Lr- 17 4 4 INNIS FA" i sal liam--47-t--4 or 1r 1Wall 117 ti 4- WELL --1 VI HAI' OF IT JIIK 1 i el I 1 i I 1 71::::: p' If0A114 eel to ot 0 NIP 4fivaia 4 teklittl IMMO' Insoll ainvemo t--iwis NINL------ IF 7 ''N- I et: CI 'rill i-----egrg CilwA 4 k4 4 if A I I donitrtillIMI I ct -'ilit IJ i If it I 1 A eiv 4R ilamorta 0AP II i iredivoli I IP d11 4314 0 11 4 1 re 011 1)y toot Loom 4-- i -s 4Nati --J 7 1 gotilassi Ignal bow tone ea 4111161161q Leaves St Louis Union Station 12:20 noon Arrive Chicago Englewood Station 6:12 pm 47th Street Station 6:17 pm Dearborn Station 6:10 Any railroad ticket agent will make reservations and sell tickets via Wabash Railway Gardner District Passenger Agent 1516 Magnolia Bldg Dallas phone Y3573 get Pat UT Copyrgbt by The Cbtrage Tri 41h --) tramibb q) 1 01 141415''''--- ilk 4tts oe mom 041101111 ar-1 a IpAllior0 I tift 4 141Zo sr' 4- 1 1 4 0' afii GETYOUR I- 'La --iiik :4 V's A 1 ppart) te 1 tt i -44-1-- 1 1 40 4 till Vile4 olok i 1 l' 111 '41 I A11 ralrIF ''I 4 7 1 4g surrom i tv- 1 FO A 1110 otmallOit 4 4 get Pat Off Copyrgbt 1-6 by The Osage Triure -----11' -ti-c- if illirA0 11r 21 fill 7--zlilik 4 :0 4 4 I a "9-t 014 1111 VII1 W--1 4i teJklyik 0 I I A II t-'llaisi 5 4 1 1 0 4 le inWaL- )) 4 ''9t et 1s Iv i 62 Ili 1 Pb A it-: lilt 1 11 iv -1 0 Jail! if-4 1 1 1 1 PIrrspunGli Feb rtriguaril of the world champion Pitts' herga Pirates Lonsisting of Manag" MeKechnie secretary Sam Prey' fuss and a fen rookie batterymen Monday was en route to Paso nobles cal to start Spring trainin The Pirates' advance uard was due 'n inday where more play- ers will be piclici up Another EtOil t-e made in Kansas City later in daY to get Fred Clarke Gleinn nrr gt-t and lieveral others Max Carey will leave Pitts- burgh next Suudav with the last Pi- rate coritingen WABASH rt A I LWAY Oka -4.
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