Springfield News-Sun from Springfield, Ohio (2024)

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s'-' Jt SUNDAY SEPTEMBER i) T11E SPRINGFIELD NEWS-SUM' SOCIETY SECTION PAGE 7 IEIM 7 OPERA SINGERS TO Judge Atweter-Kent Na tional Audition For Singer WCSORadio Programs" for eek PROGRAM wkaf Program bourn kuc Bys'icm lion-1 Tliles' Orchestra Include- of Christ 13 Organ rolimihla Network 43 hour) Columbia Network 'U hours) Yt 1130-2BU FAMOUS STARS ARE TERRIFIED BY MICROPHONE Many Calm Before Audience Turn Pale In Broadcast ing Room INCREASE IS SEEN IN RECEIVING SETS Manufacturers Declare 2500-' 000 New Outfits Will be Sold in Year NEW YORK6epL 8-UT-Radio as a business Is looking forward to one of the most active seasons since It became an Important unit In the manufacturing industry -Statistical experts estimate that 3500000 new receivers will be placed In American homes before the 1928-1929 season gives way to anotlier year Tliey say that a big share Pittsburgh- WWJ Detroit WSAI RADIO Margaret Slttig concert violinist will fratiireSunday night's Atwater- Kent Radio hour program at 8:18 Eastern standard lime sharing ors with the Atwater Kent Mule Quartette Her program will the Gypsy Serenade by Valdes and' others of a 'semi-classical nature while ttie quartette will present a madrigal Is the 'Month of Muvlnir na nf tha miUlnllM Maying" a one of the outstanding numbers of (Is broadcast Stations presenting the program are WEAF New York WELT Boston WUR Buffalo WRC Washington WCAE 2 OlUmnl NetWork Cincinnati WON Chicago K6D St Louis: WOC Davenport WCCO Mtnneapolls-St Paul and- WGY Schenectady A Gypsy Trio will be among the it 5 I 8 A features to be heard on the after-noon program Btinday from Statlonj SiSZESSmbST cialii KMA Shenandoah la beginning: to Tlie Arcadian 8 0S WHAM Eastman School 8:15 KYW Rev Per mil Ji Recital KOA Organ WGBS Feature Program WHO RerchttUera WlflO Harmony Team Service WSB Trinity Church WHAS Studio Concert' WTMJ Old Bonga 8:30 m-KSTP Diuk In Dixie KWKH SlUbin Program WCFL PauK-ii Orcliestr WHT Country Side Cathedral 8:45 Coemopollton Orchestra WGN Muslral Program KSTP Old Fashioned Tavern KJR Salon Orchestra KPltC Servire WFBH Studio program WGH Our Music Room WMKB Concert WTAM Musical Program P- WCCO Mualcal Pro- Organ WJZ Echoes of lot grain WGY Television Broadcast WHAM Organ WJR Organ WJZ Echoes Of tha Orient WLW Jewel Bo Hour WOt: Evening Program WTMJ Concert W8AL OrchA- tra 930 WCFL Savoy Orchas- Ira: Pu-lllc Neiw-ork Symphony Orchestra WPG Muslrale 9:45 KOA Buptlst Service 10:00 p- CNRW Ft Garry Orchestra K8PP Symphony Orchestra KMBC t-onevrt: beev- Iren KTI1S Music Lover Hour WOHP The Arcadian WGN Tomorrow' Trlb WHK Day' Orchestra WIBO The Circus WJR Happy Hour WMAQ Amo 'n' Andy WPG Mustrule WSUf Familiar llymn WTMJ Quintet WGN Tenor WGf Orchestra 10:15 WDAF Concert Cfi-- ehesilra WLAC Barred Concert WNO Little Symphony WLW Amon 'n' Andy: Orchestra WTAM Danes Music 10:311 KOO Baptist Servlcea KH' Music Box 10:45 KPW Record Muslf 11 3)0 P- KMOX Dune Munir KPRC Amo Andy K8TP Amn 'n' Andy KJH Novelty Salon KFAR Union College Hympliony KH Or-Ruu: WLIB Few William Orchestra WTMJ Organ WTAM Dance Music 1130 KEX Studio Program KPO Concert Orrheatra WTMJ Hcliroruer Orchestra 11:56 WTMJ Rayfoto Picture 12:00 Pacific Network Aiwa! er Kent Ilnur KGA Melody Hour' KNX Recital WBBM Nutty Club 12:15 WHB Organ 12 KFI Stiulio Program 13)0 a' KFI Dunce Orchrjuu HAED-WORKINQ STATION KNX of Holly woikI claim it has bron on the air with regular scheduled programs more hour per day than any other station in America It come on tlie air at 6:43 every morning and continues through until 1 the following morning An additional program from 1 to 2 a Is being contemplated baeSall'f'or'boys Youngvtrrs nr ham tlie game of baseball tiu the series or broadrasta hnuiguiiilrd at WNYC the New York oifleial station John Foster baseball authority is giving tlie talks every Thursday evening NEW YORK Sept Great opera and concert stars who for yean have had the musical world at their feet frequently suffer severe attacks of stage-fright when Rrst confronting a radio microplume So says George Engles who as managing director of the National Broadcasting and Concert Bureau comes Into contact with hundred of broadcasting artists "1 have seen singers who went through their operatic and concert debuts without a quiver actually turn pale and tremble at their pre mere performances In a broadcasting studio" Engles declared the sight of a brilliant Super-critical audience at the Metropolitan or Carnegie Hall served crly to stimulate them lire prospect of singing for an invisible audience or many millions caused acute nervousness and apprehension completely poised and self-possessed a person as Walter Dam rosch veteran of many years of concert hall appearances had a bad case of stagefrlght at hts first broadcasting program probably the only experience of the sort during his long career But It look him only a short time to accustom himself to the technique of the microphone quickly acquired the correct perspective on his radio audience visualizing his listeners not as one great audience of 60000000 but as little groups of three or four people gathered together In their homes He adapted his broadcasting to meet this condition Now he Is consider-rd one of the finest of broadcasting artists" Ollier great personalities have not been able to adapt themselves to broadcasting quite so readily Engles of tills business will consist of replacements One Influence credited with adding Impetus to the Interest in radio is politics The fact that big parties have made plans to make part of the campaign effort through broadcasting Is thought to have given rise to an Increase tn the demand for get ft -Both Band Cleddes executive vice president of Uie Radio Manufacturers' Association and Harold Wrapt president of the Federated Radio Trade Association say that all indications point to a considerable Increase in the volume of business over lust year I believe that tlie season now opening" said Mr Geddcs see more tlian 3500000 new receivers Hi operation Manufacturers all over the country are unusually busy and reports to tlirm Indicate that the demand Is Uie greatest In several years" Reports from all Important centers Air raise said "point to a great radio year It Is expected to surpass all others In the number of receivers Most of Uie new receiver models are dcslgued for alternating current tubes operating direct from the house current New direct current tube models are few but nearly every manufacturer has at least one The greatest advance of the y-ar seems to have been In speakers Tlie electro-dynamic type has been Improved until tone quality Is limited largely by the ability of the receiver to pass the voice frequencies Speaker overload likewise Is becoming less of a worry With television beginning to at tract the attention of the amateur Hotel Wmlon Concert I A Pros rum Network Orchntira 5II-3D9S Afternoon Concert WKAF Program Score WEAK Program' Hotel Cleveland Orchestra Musical Program' Danes Munir liet 1030 a llrat Churcli of ClirUt Scientist Association net 1030 a Service' 6:00 WEAF Proclaim Plunlst WEAF Program OKO-4 II 10:00 Flrst Bautiat Church The Fumur 1 :00 WJZ Program 1 Art Talk Michigan Theater People's Hour 6:00 Vocal 6 Hymn Time Shrine of tha Little Flower WJZ Program! 9:15 WJZ Program WJZ Program Huppy Hair Hour New iillMir 1230-Chamber Miwlc 1 Radio Church 2 Muelcil Minute Soprano Piamat String Orchestra Bulled Singer American Legion Band String Quartette Major Bowea Family Our Government Radio Hour Blbllral Drama Organ South Sea Inlanders 71IM10 12:00 Undo Quin 1 Concert 2 hour) -3310 Banc Cubs Pittsburgh 430 Arabian Night Million Bing Uncle Quin Concert WEAF Program 0:43 mitral Program Music Room Tomorrow Tnb" Tenor WON Orchestra 1100 Fen William OrchretrA TUNING IN TONIGHT 730 WEBH Edgrwater Reach Orchestra WGKS Evening Concert WMAQ Dr Coprlnnd Smith WOHP Polish Service 83X1 KSTP Dinner Concert WCBD Classical Concert WENK Edison Symphony Vocal WEE1 Mualcale W18N Services WPG New OperaMo Concert WTAM Cleveland Orchestra at 4 Central standard time A concert by the Bogart Family Sitting Room Ensemble will be one of the nnusiiul broadcasts Sunday night at 8:30 Eastern standard time on tho program of Station WCR Newark A recital by Teresa Scordino soprano and Sam Diamond planbit will follow Rain or shine radio listeners are invited to accompany Roxy and members of his rnsemble on a musical stroll Sunday afternoon at' 1 Eastern standard lime Soloists well as numerous groups will take part tn tlie broadcast which is to be heard through Stations KYW Chicago WJZ New York KDKA Pittsburgh WJR Detroit WBZ Springfield WBZA Boston WRC Washington WEBC Superior Tlie Edison Symphony Orchestra one of the best known industrial musical groups in the United States will offer anotlier program Sunday night at 7 Central standard time through Station WENR Chicago Luclle Long soprano and Oscar Heather tenor will be among the soloists on the program Dorothy Frooks one of tlie youngest lawyers in the country and probably tht youngest ever admitted to tlie United States supreme court at Washington will speak Sunday parts manufacturers ternoon at 4:40 Eastern Standard time from Station WGBS New York NEW YORK Sept These are four of the fire members of the National Sponsorship Committee which will have final authority in this year's Second Nallcnal Radio Audition sponsored by tho Atwater Kent Foundation They will select the judges and supervise the Judging at the final competition on Dec 16 when 10 more de-' serving singers will get prises totaling $17500 1116 members shown here are Mme Schumann-Helnk the famous Contralto at upper' left: Mme Louise Homer Metropolitan opera contralto upper right' Mrs Edgar Stillman Kelley president of tire National Federation of Music Clubs lower right Edward Bok famous author lower left The fifth member is Mrs Otto Kahn wife of the New York banker MOMMY BEIT 1 81LEN 1' TUMMY bETT ft 9:65 Ball Bcorw Tim Blguala Mr Arllne Emery Vocal tud Ml Alwiida Flu plane 7:30 Ucnslw1 Orchestra tVEUXEBIlAY HEFT II 6:00 a Annual Opening Convocation Witten ban Stadium 9:65 Bull Boon Time Blguala 7:01 Brure Howell bae Warren Towns and Entertainer TIILHMIIY BFPT 13 7 40 Bull Score 7:45 Regent Theatre FRIDAY HEFT 14 0:56 Bell Tim fiignals 7:01 New Victor Release- pm Mias Margaret Lagge and Catherine Dunbar piano mill vlullii BOARD OPPOSES USE OF RECORDS Practics by City Stations Is Especially Frowned on by Federal Commissioners WASHlNGTONTiept Use of phonograph records by broadcasting stations located in large cities Is frowned upon by the Federal Radio Commission The commission's attitude la set forth In a monograph outlining the baslo principles end Its Interpretations of the Interest convenience or necessity" clause of the Radio act some of which were Invoked In reaching decisions In recent cases of stations on trial "In view of the paucity of channels the commission Is of the opinion that the limited facilities for broadcasting should not be shared with stations which give the sort of service which is readily available to the public In anotlier form" the report says exsmple the public In large cities can easily pure hues and use phonograph records of the ordinary commercial type A station which conditions a violation of Uie test provided by statute" BEAUTY SHOP OPENS Permanent Waves Specialty of Op- erator of New Concern' Peacock's Beauty Shoppe suiir 403 Armc building opened Sutur day Toe shop has 17 booths and nine operators and comes here from Columbus where the proprietor Kuhcn was Eugene demonstrator for three years and specialised In permanent waves Tlie shop has been equipped with all modern apparatus for hair dressing Mr and Mrs Kuhcn have had 35-years experience the business Mrs Kuhen will be remembered by many Springfield people as Miss Edna Funderburg daughter of State Funderburg ex-sherlff of Clark county GETS ALL THE BLAME -Radio is blamed again I This time it's by State Senator William A Clark of Urbana He says fraternal order memberships are being deideted due to the radio and automobile Rule explains opera" singer" he continues "accustomed to express hrrscU In action as well as voice often gets out of range of the microplume throw her voice in the manner site employs on the opera stage sings1 too loudly and dramatically inlfarmln communities where rogram consequence she docs not get over always avaJable the air nearly as well as a young singer of less renown who has been performing regularly over the radio for several years who knows the technique of approaching and withdrawing from the microphone who devotes the main portion of its hours of operation to broadcasting such phonograph records Is not giving the public anything which it cannot readily have without such a station "The situation Is not the same in some of the smaller towns and Without putting the stamp of ap proval on the use of phonograph records under such circumstances tlie commission will not go so far at present as to state that the practice is at all times and under all report a renewed Interest in their lines One firm says that It la receiving 150 to 300 letters a day In- iQulrlng as to progress in sight radio In the year of Its existence (he Most of them come from young ex- Columbia Broadcasting System has become a decided factor In the otharwise the parts bus' ness ntis national entertainment of the: settled down lnrgely to replacements American radio audience Start-1 and to supplying demands or casing with 16 stations and a total of tom set builders whoe number cou-1 hours weekly on the air Ihlsltiniies to show a gradual iiwrcaw chain has spread out until now It The Ian who builds his own Is not Includes 33 stations and a total of! as Important a factor in the market 23 hours weekly- Its heretofore as he can go to hts private stock for most of the ma- Faus who have enjoyed DenverVtarial when he desires to try out a music week selections will have the new circuit However interest in THE CROSLEY New Gang Condenser Genuine Neutrodyne-Completdy Shielded Illuminated Dial 8 Tubes 2 Power Tubes in Push Pull Amplification AN ENGINEERING TRIUMPH IN QUALITY Free Trial In Your Own Home Less Tubes and Speaker realizes that by standing directly In front of the Instrument and singing at half voice the tone comes through more loudly and clearly than singing further away at full voice course ability to sing over the radio does not necessarily mean that a singer would be a success on the concert stage Some of the most popular radio artists may never become great concert artists They have personality that gets over the ar but not over the footlights The two professions are not interchangeable However it is a fact that nearly any really great singer or musician ran become a successful radio performer providing he is willing to devote a little time to studying the technique of broadcasting Given inherent artistry the technique of (adlo performance can be acquired" KGO AKS HOOKUP KUO San Francisco Is co-operating with the 'Frisco bureau of tlie United Press world-wide news gathering association In broadcasting news events to radio fans in Alaska Charles A Bennett will broadcast a weekly report 'The Golden WE CARRY OCR OWN ACCOUNTS RADIO-ELECTRIC STORE CHAIN MMIIV MiPT TII ttLYP Budlo Churi'li to WCBH WCAE WSAI KSD WDAF WHAH KOA WJAU WOC WHO WOW WVAA KVOO 33)0 Bixly Muslral Ulnutca to WJAIl WCSH WGR WRL WCAE WSAI KSD WRHM WOC WHO WSD WOAI WDAP W-niJ KOA WFAA KPltC W1IAS WBT Siilimno: Plunlst lo WEAr WHC KOA WHA8 KBD String Orrheatra to WKC KOA WHA8 WBAI Ballad Sinner to WRC WGY WCAE WSAI WHAS KOA American Lwloii Band WEFL WOY WCAE WEBH WHO WCR WTAO KSD WJAR WTJC WCBH WIAM WFI WSAI WWJ WRC String Quartet to WTIC WFI WRC WQY WCAE WSAlI KSD KOA 1 Uu'jor Bnwe Family to WJAR write WCAE WWJ KBD WHO WHAS KOA W8M W8B WMC WOW WOY WTIC WrAM Government to WTIC WJAR WFAA WMC W8B WTAO WCBH WRC WOY WOK WCAE WSAI WTMJ KBD VOC WHO WOW WHAS WSM Kent Hour tn WEE1 WRC -WWJ WSAI WON WCAE KSD WGY WOR WCCO WOC Bible Drain to WRC WOY WHO WOC WOW KVOO WFAA WSAI KSD WHAS WWJ WKKI WCCO Organ tn KSD WHO WSB WOW WDAF WFAA WRC 9:45 smith Hea VMandera to KSD WHO WSB WFAA WJZ 1 noxy Stroll to KYW KDKA WJR WBB WBZA WRC WEBC Question Hour to WHAM KDKA WLW KYW KWK WBZ 4 Twilight Reverie tn WHAM KDKA WLW KYW WJR WREN Anglo Prrtlnna to WflZWBZA WHAM WBAL KYW WJR KWK WREN KOA KDKA WLW WTMJ WRHM WHAM Tha Cnntltienula to WRZ WBZA WBAL KDKA WJR KWK WREN Miulcr Muilclan to WJR WHEN WRO Columbia Network Symphonic Hour to- WOR WNAC WEAN WFBL WMAK WCAU WJAM WADC WQJ KMllC WA1U WKRC WOHP KOIL WCAO WOWO KMOX WSm WMAF WHK Cathedral Hour to sums nt-work to the Fair" to tarns network Moran and Mark Two Black Crow to anme network United Military Band to tame network OTHER PROGRAMS TMMI8I 9:30 a Sunday School Trim Ic'd Orrheatra Program WJZ Program Organ: Inatrumental Trio Orrheatra Concert WJZ Program Hervlre Jewel Box Hour Amo 'n Andy Orchntra 830-JB13 Service 14 HIGH ST 'new kits Is keeping pare with the products offered After a two months' vacation In the Girl Reserve department and one month vacation for the general membership and committee work Clark Street starts off the new association year with committee and group meetings to plan this year's work Tlie members of the staff wish tlie friends of the esosclatlon to cell and enjoy the comforts the building offer tn them By the efforts of I he committees and Girl Reserve Clubs the downstairs has been redecor nted and new curtains purchased for the club room which presents a very cheerful appearance to the rooms Committee meetings scheduled for this week Include that of the committee of management Tuesday at 3:30 Mrs Burns chairman Tlie committee will make plans for the annual settingup conference which will be held Sept 20 The Olrl Reserve committee will hold lie first meeting Thursday at 7:30 Mrs Vlvlun Keller chairman The social committee will meet Friday at 2:30 Miss Mary Brown chairman A group of Olrl Reserves will present a play "A Stunt for Hobby Riders" Monday evening at North St A Church The Olrl Reserve secretary will hold a group meeting Wednesday afternoon for women and girls Interested In Girl Reserve work All old members of the Friendship Club ere requested to meet at 3:16 Friday In the club room at Clark st Members of the staff will attend a stall conference et Camp Knoll Yellow Sin-lngs Saturday Sept 16 NOW JOHNNY'LL STUDY A survey by a New York newspaper and a slmllur one conducted by the National Broadcasting Association Indicates that radio Increased children's interest In music and encouraged them to take It up R0SEH1LL BURIAL PARK PURCHASED Development Concern to Make It Into Burial Estate to Be Landscaped Purchase of the Rosehlli' Burial park located on the South Charleston pike was announced Saturday by Frank Smith manager of the Springfield Development Trust Estate The new concern which just recently opened -up offices at 30 Fountain street is taking the property over to develop into' burial estatee mllar to others located in number of ohb) ssald 60-acre tract heretofore known as RoschlU Burial Park has been found an ideal site for transformation Into a completely modern and exceptionally beautiful memorial park not alone from Its natural topographical advantages and delightful wooded sections but also Irora the wonderful manner In which it will lend Itself to the art of the landscape architect" Bmitli said Memorial Park as it will be developed will be in accord with the Idea of entirely dispensing with monuments of various sizes and kinds such ai have been used In cemeteries and graves will be marked by uniform bronze tablet which will be on the lawn level and which will not detract from the park-like appearance to be maintained throughout "Myron Vorce of Detroit engineer and landscape architect hae been engaged to supervise the planning and carrying through of the development and has already dona a considerable amount of the preliminary work In his work lien Mr Vorce will have the counsel and assistance of Mark Aukeman proprietor of the Holland la Gardens of Springfield "The Mad River National Bank has been designated as depository and will act as trustee for the perpetual upkeep of all burial sections being thus ensured of the Roy A Ramey Organization Inc have been secured by the Springfield Develop-metn Trust Estate In carrying this project through to completion this being an organization which has had much successful experience in the details of memorial park development KLEMM WINS CONTEST Gustave Klemm program supervisor at WBAL Baltimore won first honors In a recent nation-wide song-writing contest "IWth Love Is the title of Mr Klemm! prize winning number BADIO IN CUBAN SCH001 Radio receiving sets have been Installed in all schools In Cuba Student constructed eets have been stalled to tune in educational programs Atwater Kent RADIO ALL ELECTRIC $77-00 UP (1 accmorlp) $12650 up (Completely Inatallrdl SOLD ON TERMS BARKER Music-Radio 19 FOUNTAIN AVE Between Main and Columbia Limited Supply of New 1929 electric sets ph0M For Free Home PHONE MAIN 473 MODEL 49 DM I fcctlM! ad AXtwM Lcaa 47f vnltata frsulau 9M (wuhowt tabn) Radio's Trots Atwater Kant Speaker saw to Due iutaaKh 4)0 opportunity of hearing one of the soloists as a regular feature of KOA Denver He's Everett Foster baritone Foster is considered the leading baritone soloist of tlie Rocky Mountain region He becomes staff member at KOA continuing his participation in the KOA Light Opera company New series on the air: Echoes" NBC Pacific network Fridays at 7:30 Pacific time "Cameo WBAL Baltimore Wednesdays at 7:15 eastern time united Salon Orchestra Colum bla system Fridays at 9:30 eastern time "Melodies end Memories" Colum bla system Thursdays at 9 eastern time Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians WBBM Chicago beginning Monday Sept 10 at 8:30 central time Lessons in piano syncopation by Charlie Garland WJBT Chicago Tuesdays and Fridays at II a central time Matinee string trio KOA Denver Tuesdays at 8 mountain time Armstrong's Quakers NBC system Fridays at 7:30 eastern time "WOR Stock WOR Newark Thursdays at 7:30 eastern time Dutch Masters Minstrels NBC system Tuesdays at 8:30 eastern time "Queer Corners Men" WSAI Cln clnnatl dally Saturday and Sunday at 8:15 and Thursdays at 7 eastern time 1 "PlayhouseM-WOR Newark Sun days at 8 eastern time "Laces and Graces" WOR New' arit Mondays at 7 eastern time town Strutters" WOR New ark Tuesdays at 9 eastern time Colonial Minute Men WOR Newark Thursday at 7 eastern time "Sylvestra Cosy Hour" NBC sys-team Sundays at 11:30 a eastern time To the long list of varied occupa tlons which Norman Sweetscr staff announcer for the National Broad casting Company has called his own may now be added that of political prophet He! the man behind the mike In ninny of the political broadcasts now being put on the air He did great work at the arrival of the Berlin flyers too But he remembers when he was advertiser banking clerk architectural draftsman scenic designer teacher engineer social worker singer and actor In his earlier days a The latest additions to the Columbia system are WHK Cleveland one of the five first broadcasters In tlie United States and WICC Bridgeport Conn which has been on tlie air slnca October 1925 GUESSING AGAIN Elation WRNY New York lias been playing a guessing game for a long time and Its contest continue unabated the elation report! Its "Guess Who" period on 1 the air every Wednesday brings before the mike numerous radio performers Frizes ore Riven to fans who identify the unannounced 1 artists mu Kent RiDIO Everybody been waiting for perfected electric radio is buying this new set the new Atwater Kent all they want to know When you buy an Atwater Kent Radio from ua you know that your radio is right and that it installed by experts And you can take advantage of our vrtsftw-JL ELECTRIC CO.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.