The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1928 chase of property in Turkey Bottom. was referred to the City Manager. The city, however, definitely Is Radio and Films Are United; "Talking" Apparatus Result committed to the purchase of a site adjacent to Lunken Airport, options on the tarne, by the authority of Council, having been taken over by an's flub of the Railway Mall Association at the Cincinnati Club. The foodstuffs which comprise an ordinary breakfast she said, travel on an aggregate of 1S.0OJ miles. The railroad has made styles and fashion possible for those living in the Interior.

One hundred years ago, she declared, Cincinnati women were only able to get Paris fashions three years after they were created. Interesting things at the University and has more in mind which she will tell about on Friday. Her experience here and earlier on the faculties of New York University, Simmons College and Carnegie Institute of Technology has made her especially well qualified for the work. Miss Dyer is a member of the Board of the Woman's City Club, Its Vice President, and the editor of its approved by the City Planning Commission. A resolution was passed unanimously requesting the County Treasurer and County Auditor to pay into the city treasury any money derived from taxes payable to the account of the city.

The resolution merely is a formality to obtain the city's portion of whatever funds have been collected by the county In advance of the regular settlement, which will not be until approximately April 1. the City Manager and a bond Issue for the purchase of the same sold to the Trustees of the Sinking Fund. The Lunken Airport site and the new loudspeaker. The picture and sound records run side by side on a film of standard width. Thus synchronization Is assured.

Following a discussion of ways and means of raising the social standards of the young women of the city, the Executive Board of the Young ly acquired property received the approval of the Manager, who Informed Council that he had received letters from aviation experts favoring the Turkey Bottoms site. Though public hearings were scheduled on ordinances changing the Women's Christian Association yesterday appointed a commission of three members who will confer with other organizations Interested in the thape and area of Residence district to Residence at Chal- Conduct Brings Fine. Joseph Judge, 401 West Seventh street, charged with disorderly conduct, was fined 1 60 snd costs by Municipal Court Judge Samuel W. Bell yeeterday. Fannie Custard, negress, 123 West Seventh street, testified Judge, a.

collector for a furniture company, came to her home and represented himself as a Deputy Sheriff In an effort to collect money from her. Clothing Is Stolen, Thieves gained en trance to the home of William Newman! 1600 Auburn avenue, early yesterday morn Inn and stole clothing valued at 8100. welfare of young women with a view to enlisting their co-operation in this work. The commission will report at fonte and Reading road and also the business district at Bridgetown road and Olenmore avenue, no one The Daughters of the American Revolution will meet next Monday at 10 o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce. This is to, be a evry special occasion as there are to be three distinguished members present: Mrs.

Herbert Backus, Columbus, Ohio, State Regent; Walter Tobey, Hamilton, Ohio, State Vice Regent; and Mrs. John Heaume, Springfield, Ohio, State Director of the Southern District. This meeting will be followed by a luncheon to which the members and their friends are cordially invited. Reservations most be In by Saturday noon at thelatest. No telephone reservations will be accepted.

Postals are to be mailed to Mrs. George Bally, Belvedere Apartments, Avondale. a subsequent meeting. appeared, and both ordinances were passed under suspension of the Mrs. Helen Peters Wallace, Presi rules, they previously having been dent of the organization, who presided at the meeting yesterday, was ap proval of the organization in the advancement of the bill supporting the Brland proposal for the renunciation of war as an Instrument of national policy.

Mrs. Rufus B. Jones and Miss Anne Bellows were appointed delegates to the educational conference of the Y. W. C.

A. to be conducted in Chicago, January 6 to 8. Miss Winifred Aslin was appointed the new business girls' secretary to succeed Mrs. Rose T. McFadden, who resigned January 1.

The local Y. W. C. A. refuses to allow reports of the opinions of Miss Maude Royden, English preacher, on companionate marriages or the fact that she smokes, to Influence them to cancel her speaking engagement here for February 3 at Emery Auditorium.

Both a Chicago and Boston organization cancelled Miss Royden's engagement upon hearing of her views on these matters. Ways in which the railroad affects the lives of women were described by Miss Myrtle Miles, a former Cincinnati newspaper woman, now Supervisor of the Women's Division of the Public Relations Department of the New York Central Lines. In a talk yesterday afternoon before the Wom pointed 'a delegate to the third conference on the Cause and Cure of An Unusual Exhibit The fifth anniversary 'luncheon bridge, following the, business meeting of the Junior Service of the Cincinnati Catholic Women's Association next Monday, will be made one of the leading social events of the winter season for the Junior membership. The short business session will be presided over by Miss Anna DuBrul, following which the luncheon committee will take over the arrangements for the day. The Bpeclal committee includes Mrs.

Raymond Senour, Chairman: Miss Anne Kinney. Mrs. John M. Manley, Mrs. George Sip-pel and Miss Louise DeMontluztn.

Reservations should be forwarded before tomorrow evening to Miss Anne Kinney at Valley 44 T. The Women's City Club will turn its attention next week to psychology when it hears, at the regular Friday luncheon. Dr. Elizabeth Seeburg discuss "The Mental Health of the Child." Dr. Seeburg has recently come to Cincinnati to take over her duties as psychologist of the Central Clinic, and her experiences in.

the field of psychology and medicine will make her discussion of her subject unusually interesting. Those wishing to make reservations for the luncheon may do so by calling the Woman's City Club office before Thursday njprnlng at 10 o'clock. War, to be conducted in Washington, D. January 15 to 19. A letter has been sent by the local Y.

W. C. A. to the national Y. W.

C. A. headquarters, asking that Mrs. Wallace be appointed as one of the 100 voting delegates IFTCUI. DISPATCH TO IH1 BSQGISZB.

New York. January 6. The resources of the radio and the "movies" were combined through acquisition by the Radio Corporation of America and Its associated companies of a substantial Interest In FBO Pictures Corporation, one of the largest motion picture companies. The first product of the combination, it was announced, will be the presentation of the talking; motion picture apparatus recently perfected by the General Electrlo Company. That equipment has been so simplified, it was said, that It can be sold at a price within reach of the smallest picture theaters.

Talking moving pictures for the home are considered to be only a little more distant All the patents and prospective developments of sound reproduction and synchronisation, radio broadcasting, television, of the Radio Corporation America, the General Electric Company and the "Westlnghouse Electrlo and Manufacturing Company, become available to the "movies." "We are sure always of having a sympathetic outlet for our developments in the motion picture Industry," said David Sarnoff, Vice President of the Radio Corporation. The FBO Pictures Corporation will not have the exclusive use of the developments, it was announced. FBO Is said to be the largest non-theater-ownlng producer and distributor of motion pictures In this country. Its output is approximately CO feature pictures a year. The talking motion picture apparatus of the General Electric Company differs from others In requiring only a slight change in standard projections, and the addition of a sound-reproducing attachment and which the Y.

W. A. will send to Thursday Friday Saturday the conference. This organization is The Woman's City Club will start 1928 activities with the regular civic luncheon on Friday when an Interesting program is being offered to its members. Miss Elizabeth Dyer, head of the School of Household Administration of the University of Cincinnati, will speak on "Community Spirit and the School of Household Administration." Miss Dyer has inaugurated many one of nine such groups being represented at this gathering.

The Executive Board, at its meet ing, voted to send a telegram to the Secretary of State, expressing the ap re THE AIR TODAY Transit Block Seen Woman's Program Women's Hubs meeting today re i Cincinnati Woman's Club At Si30 a. Llp-Headlng Circle) 10 1.10 a. Greek Circle. Woman's City Cli-b At 13:.10 p. Child Welfare Committee.

Holiness Women Club At 7 p. Federation Committee! p. BnalneM Opportunities Committee. Catholic Women's Association At p. English class.

Ruth No. 18, t'. O. T. 9 At Ui45 p.

parliamentary law class st Rockdale Temple Annezi 2 p. meeting of Rath No. IS at Rockdale Temple Annex, Virginia Asber Business Women's Council Miss Elisabeth We-meyer, ef the Rig Bisters' Home, to speak. Catherine Booth Aailllar Election of officers. I'pton Study Club Annoal Christmas party at Cincinnati Clubi luncheon at 12i30 p.

Ft. Thomas Woman's Club-Mrs. M. PI miner to speak on "Changing Ideals In the American Home at meeting at Highland Methodist Church. Hamilton County W.

C. T. I' Meeting of Executive Committee at Y. M. C.

A. Grant Park Mothers' Club At 7i30 p. m. meeting at home of Mrs. C.

Beyerlelu, 181T Pleasant street. Morgan School Mothers' Club At Ii30 p. Wallace Hill to speak on Boy Scouts. Kllgour Parent-Teacher Atso-elatlon Meeting at 2i30 m. Vine Street Parent-Teacher Association At 2il5 p.

Miss Miles Benham to speak. Webster School Mothers' Club At 2 p. Mrs. II E. Caldnell to speak.

Wlntosj Place Pfcrent-Teaeher Association At 2 p. Councilman Edward T. Dixon, speaker. Santa Marie Mothers' Club At 2i30 p. Mlii Dorothy Dn-vldaoa, of the Cincinnati Girl Scents, to speak.

Bridgetown Mothers' Club At 2 1 30 p. Dr. Robert Oleson, of the Y. S. Public Health Service, speaker.

Highland Parent-Teacher Association At 2i30 p. Mrs. Ethel T. Rugg, Director ef Case Work, Ohio Humane Society, speaker. in.

Move By Mayor AH programs tn Eastern Standard gteie Abbreriatlona: Meters; kilocycles; watt. Chain programs listed either in local or key station. COMPLETE CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE. gestton that now seems to bother some people will disappear. Certainly If these streets are widened there THURSDAY EVENING 'Denotes station on the air at or within the hour Indicated.

(Copyright. H2I, Ths Enquirer.) BEST ON TEE AIR. will be a freer movement of traffic, but why spend millions on this project when we can improve our trans :30 KDKA. Little Symphony. 1:00 WJZ, Army Hand.

1:30 WKAF, toward Hour. 8:00 WHAI, Ilodse Program. :30 Amiilco Hour, :00 U'LW. Maxwell Concert. portation system by completing the Stations.

KDKA, I I KFI, Los Anselss 468,8 I I '1 KFNF, Shenandoah. I I I I I KOO, Oakland, I'l'l 1 KM 1 3 I'l'l'l I I I KMOX, St. Louis. I Rapid Transit. There are some so opposed to the Rapid Transit that It 10:00 WLW, "II Trovatore." 11:00 WJZ, Slumber Music.

11:40 WON, CorreU and Gosdea. HEARD LAST MIGHT I has become an obsession with them and who will do everything within East WTIC. WWVA, WEAF, WOR, itnti. rviunxii niurr.1311 I I'l'l'l WJZ, CJYC, KDKA. WBZ.


New A-C-Electric AsWASWiEEm See the many changes that have taken place in Radio Here you will see one of the first receivers made and then on down to this new all-electric and long-wanted Radio improvement. A Showing of Interest Complete in many beautiful High Boy Cabinets from $154.50 and up. WPO. WKBW. FIRESTONE WINS LICENSE To Operate Bhort-Wave Radio Service To Liberia.

Washington, January 4 (A. The Federal Radio Commission today granted the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company an experimental license for three months to operate on four abort waves between Akron and, Ohio and Liberia. The application, signed by Harvey Firestone, said that the present means fcommunicatlon between the factory and rubber plantation required from two days to a week. With radio service, Firestone said, he could be assured of a steady con their power to block its completion, I sincerely believe that the proposal with reference to Broadway and Plum street Is but another subterfuge to accomplish this purpose." KTH8LHot8Drlna'8. .1314.41 I I 11 I I West KMA.

WOW, WFBM. KMOX WLW (No. 10, 4tS.S U.Ot 0,000 w. KTNT, Muscatine. llVfin Hrlntow I'l'l' KFQB, WCCO, KFAB, KSD, KOIU When a motion, also presented by WHO, KOA, WOI, KTNT, WOWO KWKH, Shreve't, La.394,t A.

H. Healthful exerolsee. 1:30 Morning devotion. Dad Kershner, 10:00 Woman's Hour and (Chubs A gtslnberg) musk-ale; poem and talks. 11:16 Weathers river: markets: police.

12:0 P. M. Owen Ogborn, organist. KYW, I'l'l'l the Mayor, to have the City Manager KFI, WBBM, WJBT, WON, WLS, JL iLim WABC, Rlchm'd Hlll30, WHT, WJAZ, WMBI, WENR, KYW. check up on the Beeler report on the 1:30 Market reports.

LUJJJi WADC, Akron. Ohlo.238 feasibility of the Rapid Transit sys North WCX, WAIU, WSMK, 3:30 Cincinnati radio dealers. WBAL, 1 31 S. iimiLi WTAM, WGHP, WTMJ. tem.

Councilman Tylor Field inquired Stock Quotations. WBAP, Ft. -9 South WPTP, WSM, WFLA, WBAP, 'Just how far do you expect the City 3:36 Tommy Griffith; Croaley dealers. (:46 Weather and market reports. 7:00 Doherty's (French-Bauer) Orchestra.

BBM, Chicago 3 WSM, WMC, KWKH, WRR, WOAI, Manager to go Into this matter?" WBBK. Rossv'le, N.Y,3S, PWX. tact with the market, providing The Mayor replied that In his opln siJTLULl H'l'ITI 'I 'I I WBZ. Springfield. 333.

cau ruuaio feature. 1:00 (Spring Hill) Program, "In a Oar-don of MuhIc." 1:30 (Amptco) Hour of Music: ion the City Manager would be the greater opposition to the threatened British monopoly In the Industry. 31 I'l'l'l I WCAE, 41 RECEPTION CONDITIONS i best Judge of how far he could go. WCAU, Philadelphia. 0.7,l,lll Li Nothing Impossible, of course, is to Another good night; no static noted WCBD, Zlon, III 344.t 'li be expected of him," he said.

Terms: $2.00 a week except on KFI; no fading and excep WCCO. Minneapolis. .406.2 I'l'l'l I I WCFL. Chicago 1413.6 1'I'I'I'I 'I At the suggestion of Councilman tlonal volume; East and West vied C. O.

Rose, the motion was referred to for best reception. WCX. Detroit. the Committee on Public Utilities, WJR. Detroit 'I 'I I 'who no doubt will confer with the REVIEWER'S COMMENT! WD AFf Kansas ilLLl 'I I I WDBO.

Winter Park.33l. Manager." rrana uiaca ana uronestrs, -raie Moon." Tenor solo, with Amplco accompaniment, "A Dream." Orchestra novelty, "Sapphire." Plans solo played by Richard Buhllg. Amplco reproduction of Richard Buhllg. Orchestra, "Baby Feet Oo Filter PalUr." Ray Perkins, "ale and My Shadow." Ray Perkins, "Plenty of Room Ur. Front" (song of the subway guard).

Orchestral and vocal, selections Irum "The Connecticut Yankee." 1:00 (Maxwell) Concert (New York): Nathaniel Shllkret, Orchestra Director. Orchestra, "Shepherd Hey" Orchestra, overture, ''Bohemian Girl, Balfe Tenor solo, from 'Af. Meyirb jer Aboul everyone with a radio set A communication from Albert WEAF, New York. -4I1. must have tuned In on the Dodge pro WEAO.

..282 Morrill, representing Watson Airport i 1 gram, for with much ado about i "Jl.UOO-a-mlnute and i owners, suggesting that a survejC be WEBH, Chicago 366 WEEL Boston ,..1360 L'lW'l made by disinterested experts to de galaxy of stars. It was a novelty, If 3.31 I'l'l'l 'I WENR, Chicago 333. termine upon a site for an airport be not an altogether finished radioDre WFAAallas. Tex. 1845.11 I I'l I I- I fore the city is committed to pur- L1IJIIJ L.

WFBM, Indianapolis. 376 Orchestra, "Nalla" (ballet) belli) j-iri'i'i'i WFI, '3LU1I1L WFLA, Clearwater. Orchestra, "In the Clock Orchestra, Internieszo, "Cavalerla Hus- tlcana' Maacagnl Tenor solo: Barriger Always Has Been and Always Will Be THE BEST PLACE TO BUY GOOD RADIO See the New Model 37 at sentation. The wires seemed too heavily burdened to receive proper modulation of the California pickup of Will Rodgers, Al Jolson In New Orleans and the Stones in 'Chicago, but, oddly enough, we heard the sponsor's voice from Detroit quite tl'I'I'I'l 'I 'I I l'l'l'l'l 'III WOBB, New WGHP. Detroit 177" a.

Sola Mlo" Folk Sons b. "Italian Serenade' Herbert Harmonized Service WON. Chicago 1410.41 ''l Open Evening! XvloDhone solo. "Bunch of Roses ''aprl WOR. "jl, INN sV Orchestra, "Pomona WQY, Schenectady.

'I 'I well. Novelty trios: WHAM. Rochester. ..1177.61 I'l'l'l 'I I I a. ''Aubade" oboe, flute and clarinet.

b. "In the Gloaming," two violas sad ni THE RADIO AND VICTOR SHOP OF QUALITY. WHAS. Louisville. ...322.4 WHK, ClevelandTXrTl266.3l'l'l'l'l 'I I I eeuo.

c. "Dance of the bassoon; WHN. New .1636.41 I'l'l'l I I I WHO, Pes Moines. 7:30 Sports Club; Rocky Wolfe. 7:40 Maurie Sherman's Orchestra.

7:66 WLS News Reel. 1:00 Tony's Bcrapbook. 1:10 Maurie Sherman's Orchestra. Supertone Hour. "Kangaroo, nasi clarinet; u- trhch," English horn.

Bass clarinet, bassoon, English horn Orchestra. "Voll Danco." from "JaDa- 30S.t I I'l'l 'I 'I' WHT, WJBjrhlcaao. 1306.01 II 1 I I I naae Ballet" W1P. Philadelphia. Tenor solo: WJAZ, Chicago.

"Diane" Rafto b. "Just You" De Pajch't WJJD, 1366.61 'l I I NEW YORK. Orchestra, "Old Colonel March" Shllkret WJZ, New York. The Service 10:00 Chicago Civic Opera (Ualkite noun Verdi's ouera "II Trovatore." with I 41.4 I I'l I WLIB, Chicago. DARRIGER 1406.21 J1L WLIT.

Philadelphia. east Including Claudlo Muiio, Cyrxni Van Gordon, Charles Marshall, Rlonad I344.6l'rl'l III! WL3. Chicago. WJZ (4M.I SM 30.0M W. 6:46 P.

M. Harold Carpenter, barytone. 6:00 Al Friedman's Orchestra. 7:00 United States Army Band (WRC). 7:30 National Mixed Quartet.

WMAK, Lockp't. N.Y.64t.l I I'l'l'l 'I I I Bonelll and Carolina Lasiarl; Henry u. Weber, conducting. 11:00 Weather announcement 11:01 Thles's Orchestra, Castls Farm. 435 WALNUT WMAQ, Chicago 447.6''TL,l'l'l '1 The Torrid Tots (KWX, WJR, 616.01 I I'l'l 'I I I WMC, Memphis.

WSAI (3(14 UO B.0M W. 10:36 A. M. Live stock reports. KDKA, WHAM).

11:00 Slumber Music. WOAI, Ban 1461.71 I I I'l is accurate speedy economical WOC. Davenport. .1374.61 I'l'l'l 'i I I 10:46 New York and Cincinnati stock WKAF (401.S lit W. WOK.

Chicago. I6 I I I I I 1 quotations; Chicago grain markets. WOR. Newark. N.

11:16 A. M. Household Talk (New York). Piano solos. Lola Bruce Smith.

6:00 Happiness Restaurant Orchestra (WWJ) 6:30 Hotel Lorrsilne Orchestra (WWJ, WORD, Batavla. 363 I I I'l'l I I 1:00 P. M. New York and Cincinnati stock WRC). WOW.

Omaha, 31 I'l'l'l 'I I V. PQ, Atlantic City. .1373.61 I'l'l'l 'I I 1:00 Wsiilcrf Astoria dinner music quotations; Chicago grain. 1:10 Live stock reports. Special Today "Auction Sales" (WRC, WCAE, WTAG).

7:00 Federation mid-week hymn sins. WRC, Washington. 466.6'''' 'I I 3:46 New York and Cincinnati stocks; II I I'l'l 'I WRVA. 1264. (Coward) comfort hour (WEEI, WTIC.

WJAR WTAG. WCSH). Chicago grain. 4:00 Live stock reports. jl .1 .1 I'l 1 J476 WSB, Atlanta.

(Cllquct Club) Eskimos 1336.31 I I'l'l 'I 'I I WSM, Nashville. WSMB, New Orleansl 336.H I I I'l 'I 'I I WUY, WUU, WUAIi, WWJ, WUJS). 7:00 Everyday Poems, George Elllston, Mary Alice Cheney. 7:36 Talk by Karl T. Finn.

5:30 Ray Miller's Olbspn Orchestra. :00 (Dodge) program (New York), 10:30 Btatler's Pennsylvanlans under the WTAM, I'I'J direction or jonnny jonnson (WTiu, wl i umv umu wwti WTIC. Hartford. Con.636 WW J. Detroit 362 I I Cass Hasan's Park Central Orchestra (WHO-KBD).

WWNC. I'l'l'l I I WWVA, I I I. I I I I3 i I'l'l'l I I I CFCA, Toronto. l-l I I'l'l I I I PITTSBVEOH. CRY, Winnipeg.

CYJ. Mexico I I I I I I I HHK, Port au Prlncn3l iJJ. "Who'll Bid" Two Dollars? KDKA (3U.t 850 W. 1:30 Little Symphony Orchestra. Silent KFAB.


WNOX, IKW. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. "Blue Skies'1 Quartet "Looking For a "Tip Toes" Soprano Solo. "Memphis Blues'1 "Kentucky Hahy" Quartet "Grand and Glorious Feeling" Quartet "Homeward Trail" Orchestra and Vocal Chorus Medley from "Connecticut Yankee" Soprano and Quartet "Maggie Murphy's Home" Quartet "SI HubbarrT Bass Solo "Where Is That Rainbow 7" Quartet 1:30 (Hoover) Sentinels (New York). "When Day Is Done" Kateher Orchestra.

"I Love You" (Little Jesse James). Archer Honeyinooners. "Kiss Me Again" (special arrangement) Herbert Orchestra. "Sollln' On" Arranged by Borgel Quartet "Mexo Tango" Mateo Orchestra. "Coo Coo" (Just Fancy).

Meyer and Charts Honeymooners. "Far Away Bells" Gordon Quartet 'Dancing Tambourine" Folia Orchestra. (:00 Time announcement (New York), 7:00 The Whitney Minstrel 7:10 Dinner music. Address, "The Lives of Some Common Animals," Part "Mammals," Prof. Robert K.

Enuers. Union College. 7:46 Studio program. Musical program (New York). (Carborundum) Band (Niagara Falls).

Organ recital. Floyd Walter, from Strand Theater (Albany). WBZ (333.1 tot 18,000 W. 6:00 Organ recital, Adrian Salessea 6:30 News flashes. 6:36 Don Ramsey's Radio Rcdee.

Personalities In art. 7:16 Compulsory liability Insurance. 7:30 Jlmmle McManus, planistlo capers. Hotel Statler musicals. American piano program.

11:00 News flashs. 11:05 Edward J. McEnolly. THIS ticket contains your name and telephone number, the name of the party you call ill the near-by town; the time of day or evening the call is placed, etc. This record aids in accurate handling of out-of-town calls.

See page 5 Telephone Directory for list of "Call-by-Num- OTHER FEATURES. CLEVELAND. 6:00 WWJ (363-360) Orsan. 4:16 WCCO (406-740) Children's hour. WTAM (380 75 W.

P. M. Danes orchestra. 6:30 WJR. WCX (441-630) Venetian en Mm ber" towns.

sembie. WBAL (366-1060) Dinner concert WPO (373-1100) Organ. Under the magic voice of the auctioneer, governed by rears of experience and a sound knowledge of values and buying habits, the price continues to rise. The wise auctioneer knows what he is about) his sales must continue to be successful or he must step down and out to give place to better salesmen. And the wise auctioneer reaches his public with announcements of interest through the "Auction Sales" fication in the Classified Ads of The Enquirer.

In the words of one of the city's oldest and ablest auctioneers "I wouldn't attempt to stay in business without, the Classified Ads to assist as they have done for many years!" 7:00 WJR-WCX (441-680) "At Even YET FELL FOC UI9 L1HE- tide." WMAQ (447-670) Chicago Theater or gan method, simply give your regular operator the desired number in the towns listed, 7:16 WSM (SS7v0) Jackson Orchestra. 7:30 WJR-WCX, (441-0HO) Randall Hammers. WBAI (3lt-tvt0) Organ. and she will complete connection while you hold the line. This method gives you a lower rate than when you ask for a particular person, and often serves the purpose just as well.

The evening "Call-by-Numbcr" rate is lower to certain points than the day rate. I 01 Program featuring Thomas Rlchley, xylophone soloist: Charles H. Partington, accordion soloist; Lola Bruoe Smith. r- nlt anil the Irish tenor. Smith Brothers (New York).

10'80 Royce-Taylor Blnton Orchestra. 11:30 Florenos and Missouri Kinney. Studio program. (Wlllard) Cavaliers. MFBE (No.

lit. US BL), tM W. Telephone News CHICAGO. 1:00 P. M.

(Abbott) Panatrops hour. 6:00 Dinner hour music. 7:00 Police bulletins, Covlngtoa, K. 7:06 Zip Keer and orchestra. 7:36 (Starr) reproducing piano.

6:00 J. W. Flckencher, German folk songs. AMD MY RECEPTION'S FIHE-! New towns just added to the "Call-by-Number" (3I3-77I) After dinner chain. Rates given are from Cincinnati Maysville, Ky.

30c Ripley, Ohio 40c concert. WBAL (386-1080) String auartet WKRO (X45.S MM MM W. 1:30 P. M. Snap-shot poems, Mrs.

Ethel KnaDD Behrman. 1:36 WOR (413-710) New York Phil WON 41t. MH lit 15,000 W. 6:00 P. M.

Musical program. 6:30 Tearoom Orchestra. 6:00 Ambrose Larson's organ recital. 6:30 Opera Club Orchestra. 7:10 Uncle Quln's Punch and Judy.

7:36 Port o' Missing Men. Drake Concert Ensemble snd Blaokatone String Quintet. 11:10 Sam" n' Henry. 11:80 The Music Box. Songs, CorreU and Ootden.

Harmonic orchestra. 1:30 WGHP (178-1010) Hockey, Cana 0:46 Ruby Muchmore A AA V.ln.tta Mall, UH TttrMf. A 2-LINE AD THREE TIMES DAILY COSTS 96c ENQUIRER'S "Classified Department Store" Origlnd IF suit Ad Htmdquarttn '( Sell ANYTHING For You! Canal 2700. dians vs. Detroit.

WSU.V (617-610) Jubilee 8lnaors. 11:00 Bobby Harrell and Kern Aylward. 1:00 WBBM (111-770) Guest artist re citsl. The Cincinnati Suburban Bell Telephone Co. vvsun isi r-sivi narpist.

10:00 KFI (401-640) University ef SCHENECTADY, eouinern uanrornia. WSM 1137-110) Jack Keefe: aonrana. WLS (144.1 IsU I7t tVtM W. 6:10 P. M.

WLS "ports Ssrvloa, 1:16 Organ, Al Melgard. 1:30 Sports service. guppsrbell program. WRVA (114-1110) Acca Tsmpla Taea- WOT (ITM TM IMM W. 1:30 P.

M. Dinner sauslo. 11: It WPO (ITI-UN)-Orgaa,.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.